Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Anxiously, I paced in a small oval in front of PJ's and my lockers. I hoped he'd show up okay.

I didn't have a script. I hoped I wouldn't spend too much time talking about how much I love specific things about him, like his legs and his face and his mouth and his eyes and his hair and his chest and his hands and his snarky wit. I reminded myself not to focus on singular parts of him, and instead on the entirety of him. I hoped that we could start cooking and cuddling and playing and kissing as a couple after this. I hoped he'd want to be my boyfriend. I knew I didn't deserve him, but I still wanted to prove myself to him. I just hoped he was willing to give me a chance. Although I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. He deserved so much better.

"Oh my god!" someone exclaimed, making me stop worrying about where PJ was and where he was.

I looked where everyone else was staring, and speak of the devil. PJ confidently carried himself, although everyone was staring at him. He looked so elegant as he walked down the hall, only stopping at his locker.

Paperjam was dressed in a light yellow sundress, white knee-highs, and his usual shoes. I could notice his pink hoodie was shoved into his backpack, in case his bare arms got cold.

But the light yellow perfectly complemented his dark brown skin, even helping his body-stars look their best. And I thought his freckles couldn't look more adorable than when he's in his underwear and nothing was there to distract from his skin.

"W-what are you wearing?" I looked him up and down again. The light colors contrasted against his dark skin so beautifully, and his outfit was so cute and feminine. I just wanted to gently caress him.

PJ's face was quickly a bright red and he looked at me with his beautiful half-lidded eyes. "I'm wearing a dress." He rubbed his neck, although I couldn't help but watch each little movement his body made. "Do I look okay?"

"Y-you look great, but why?" I started to feel guilty.

PJ teared up a little and looked around, and most people were still staring. It was obvious he wanted some privacy, although that would be difficult.

"Run," he leaned up and whispered.

Before I could process what he meant by the word, he dragged me and ran down the hall. Those who were interested, mostly gossip girls and "tea" boys, ran after us. But PJ was incredibly fast, and I was able to keep up. Soon enough, he'd done enough twists and turns that we could safely slip into  mostly unused stairwell and hid from their line of sight from the door. We waited until the sound of footsteps were gone.

Once they were gone, PJ closed and locked the door. Finally, it was just me and him. We knew we'd have our peace, since no one would use this stairwell until it was time to head to class.

"Do you like it?" PJ fiddled with the skirt of the dress. "When you went out with Cinnamon, I went out to buy this."

"Oh PJ..." I walked towards him to hug him.

"Don't I look appealing?" PJ lifted his skirt, showing me shorts. He pulled those down to show new lingerie panties. "I bought these just for today."

"You didn't have to do this." I gently took his face, caressing his cheeks.

PJ frowned, leaning into my touch. "Because you went out with her, I have to show everyone I'm yours and you're mine. A-and I wanted to wear something extra sexy... b-because you m-made me a-a-ache... a-all day..." He squeezed his stomach. "Let's do it. Right here. Just a quickie."

"When's your last day of heat?"

"I-I don't really know. It should've ended a few days ago, but it's been going on longer than expected." He fiddled with his skirt. "Why?"

I forced a smile. "I was just wondering." I gently took his hand into mine, my heart aching at how small it was in my grasp. "Let's take care of you. I'm going to make sure you're satisfied. Today's going to be all about you."

PJ smiled. "You don't need to do that."

"No, I do." I kissed his head.

I couldn't continue this. Once he didn't need me, I had to get out of his life. This wasn't healthy for him. I wasn't healthy for him. I had to stop this. Even if it broke our hearts.

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