Chapter Twenty-Four

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That night, we were laying in bed. It was unusual for us to not be fucking until the last second, so I enjoyed getting to cuddle him.

I smiled, watching his tail wag as he nuzzled up to my chest. I liked when he was turned, because his tail couldn't lie. It was so nice to see when he was happy and when he wasn't. That way, I could help him. And, I'll be honest, his hair was softer when he was turned, and I liked petting him.

"Hey PJ," I began, interrupting our quiet cuddles.

"Yeah?" PJ looked up, his ears perking up.

"Have you ever thought about wearing a dress?" I ran one of my hands down his side, feeling his ribs. He was so thin.

PJ blushed and huffed a little. "I knew you'd eventually ask me to wear one."

"I'm just saying, you'd look amazing in one." I pulled PJ closer. "With how skinny and short you are, you'd probably fit in female clothing well."

"I don't think..." PJ blushed more, looking down. "Maybe if it was just you and me... I-I wouldn't mind... w-wearing one... j-j-just for a bit!"

"How about all day, in front of everyone?"

"What?! No!" PJ scowled, glaring at me. "Why would you want that?! Why do you even think for a moment I'd go through with that?! That's humiliating!"

I shrugged. "I just thought you'd look good in a dress. And I thought that you'd want to show her who I like." I looked to the side, nonchalantly. "I guess you don't care so much about other girls liking me."

"Stop saying other girls as if I'm a girl!" PJ huffed. "I knew you were just trying to turn me into a girl! You just want me to act and look like a chick so you won't have to admit you're gay to everyone by kissing me!"

"That's not what this is," I stated firmly, looking at him with warning.

"Then what is it?! Why do you insist that I'm more feminine?! What, is it confusing for you to date a feminine guy?! Do you want someone you won't be embarrassed to be around in public?! What is it?!"

"It's none of that!" I insisted.

PJ suddenly grabbed me by the shirt, pulling me close. "Then kiss me! No one is here to judge you! If no one is watching, then kiss me to tell me you like me for me!" His face softened as tears filled his eyes. "Kiss me like you would in public, Fresh."

I stared at his face for a moment before looking away, denying him of this. "Just wear a dress tomorrow."

PJ let go of my shirt. He seemed so sad. He got off of me and went to the window. "Bye, Fresh."

"Bye," I mumbled in response, not stopping him as he left.

Why couldn't I just kiss him?

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