Chapter Forty-Eight

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PJ's tail wagged as we got into bed. We kinda stumbled around, since the light had been turned on since Cil went to sleep a few hours earlier. Once we were settled in, he began to cuddle up to me.

I longed to look down and see his beautiful face, but the darkness rudely stopped me from admiring him.

"Hey Fresh," PJ whispered.

"Yes Jammy?" I whispered a reply, looking at the dark blob that was what I could currently see of my boyfriend.

"I love you." He giggled quietly.

"I know."

"Aren't you going to say it back?"

"You already know how I feel, Jammy."

"Just say it back." I could practically hear him pouting. "Let's try again, okay?"

I tried not to laugh. "Okay."

"I love you, Fresh."

"I love you too, PJ."

I could sense his satisfaction, leaning down to kiss him. I kissed all over him, getting a sense of where everything was. I kissed his eye and his nose and his forehead and his cheek, before finally kissing the side of his mouth.

"You could've just asked for a kiss; I can see you." PJ giggled.

"I wanted to find my way," I stated, fondling his cheeks.

PJ was giggling as I planted kisses on different parts of his lips, finally getting him to stay still long enough for a proper smooch. Once he calmed down from his giggles, he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed back.

We held it for a minute before he pulled away, needing to breathe. I took it as a chance to butterfly kisses on his jawline, neck, shoulders. I could tell he was both trying not to laugh and trying not to moan. I felt where I would kiss, gliding my fingers across his soft skin before planting my seed of love.

"C-come on, F-Fresh!" PJ softly said, trying not to laugh from the sensation.

"What? Do you not like kisses anymore?" I cooed, smiling.

PJ calmed from his case of the giggles. "If you're gonna kiss my neck, you need to kiss it with some more pressure. These butterfly kisses make me all giggly."

"Oh, so I need to really kiss your neck, hmm?~" I started to give harder kisses on his neck.

"N-not now. Fresh!" PJ whispered at me.

Suddenly, there was a small noise. We both stopped and shut up, as it was the sound Cil's mattress made when he turned over on his bed. I prayed we hadn't woken him, but my prayer had fallen to no deity.

"Daddy? Fresh?" Cil said in a yawn.

"Cil, you should be asleep," I softly said to him.

"I was, but I woke up." I could hear Cil getting off of his mattress. "Can I sleep with you guys?"

"Okay. Come on." PJ pulled away from me, sitting up slightly to help Cil climb onto the bed.

The toddler laid near the edge, making PJ scoot back to let him have some more space to lay. I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend, feeling him tense up before becoming more comfortable.

"Night-night, daddy and Fresh," Cil mumbled, yawning as he cuddled up to PJ.

I nuzzled into PJ's neck, holding him close. I could feel as his tail lightly wagged, accidentally hitting my thigh. I didn't say anything, just listening as his body relaxed more and his breathing steadied at a slow pace. Soon, I couldn't feel his tail moving, knowing he'd fallen asleep. In the stillness, sleep began to creep on on me. I couldn't have held him closer, or I already would have. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep, knowing they'd still be there, peaceful, when I'd wake up.

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