Chapter Thirty-Four

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PJ's eyes went wide. "F-Fresh...?"

I glanced past him at the receptionist.

"It's nice to see you again, Jammy. Uh, but let's take this reunion to... not the doorway of a mall security office." I rubbed the back of my neck as I stepped back, but not yet joining the crowd of people in the mall walkway.

"Oh! Yeah." PJ smiled, walking forward to me.

Cil looked at PJ before looking at me, obviously confused on what was going on. He hugged his plush tightly, looking at his mom again.

I wanted to hold the hand PJ wasn't using to hold Cil, although I decided it wasn't a good idea. I walked with them to a bench the mall had, where we sat down.

"So, uh, you have a... son now?" I remembered PJ called the kid his "baby boy", although I was a bit hesitant due to the fact they were in a bright pink dress with a pink plush, and pretty long hair for their age.

"Yeah. I had him during my first year of college." PJ kissed his son's head, earning a small giggle. "I decided I'd study while raising him. It was difficult, but I don't regret a thing."

I felt my heart sink, since this meant that when I let PJ go, some other lucky guy got him, and this one was probably smart enough to hold onto him.

Although this rose a new question; 'How the fuck did PJ have a kid?' I thought, confused. 'He was gay, right? And he was a bottom? Wait, was he bi or something? Does this guy have a girlfriend now?'

"Umm, the other parent must be one lucky person!" I smiled, knowing whoever had such a beautiful child with such a beautiful man would be the luckiest person in the world.

"Ofer?" This seemed like news to the kid.

"Oh, um... no... I raised him by myself..." PJ seemed like he was hiding something, but it wasn't my place to question.

"Oh..." I took a moment to carefully think about what to say next. "Well, if anyone could be a single college parent successfully, it would be you, so I'm sure despite how difficult it must have been, you still did it wonderfully."

PJ's eyes went wide as his face went red. Like the PJ I'd known for years, he quickly huffed and looked away. "D-don't try flattering me!"

Cil giggled at his dad's adorable reaction. He saw it as silly as I did.

"Come on, don't side with him." PJ huffed, looking down at his toddler.

"Nah, you're pretty cute when you blush. I think..." I realized I didn't know the sweet child's name. I didn't want to accidentally hurt the kid's feelings in case his name had been said at some point, but I just couldn't come up with his name, even though I tried to remember if PJ called him anything other than his baby.

"C-Cil!" he exclaimed, very happy to tell me his name. He held up his cat plushy. "A-and Kitty!"

"Those are very cute names," I said in the voice I used for children, gently petting his fluffy brown hair. "Just as cute as your daddy, right?"

"Ya!" Cil nodded. "All very cute!"

"Yeah!" I smiled, smirking a little at PJ.

"Come on, don't smirk at me..." he blushed more, seeming to get flustered at the slight smirk on my lips.

I wanted to tease him like I used to. I wanted to make him more flustered before kissing him deeply. But just I opened my mouth to flirt with him, I remembered he had a kid now. I had to keep my teases on the down-low.

I cleared my voice. "Right."

Both PJ and Cil were surprised and confused. I suppose PJ expected me to act the same as I did four years ago, in high school. Cil just didn't know what was going on.

I felt a bit awkward, so I stood up. "I was gonna grab myself a milkshake earlier, so how about I treat you guys to some ice cream?"

Cil gasped in excitement, nodding his head, obviously wanting the treat.

PJ was confused before I subtly motioned to Cil. I both wanted that sweet child to be happy, and I decided a nice treat would distract him so PJ and I could speak. Besides, I still wanted that milkshake, and it felt cruel to get one when talking to someone holding a toddler.

"Oh, you don't have to treat us, but sure." PJ smiled, getting the hint. Mostly. I think.

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