Chapter Fourteen

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Humming, I looked around the pet store. I paid attention to the collars, looking at the measurements.

"What do you think you're doing?!" PJ had snapped at me.

"I'm measuring your neck, relax." I rolled my eyes at his reaction.

"But why?!" PJ growled, his ears pinning back against his black hair.

"I want to get you a collar."


"Shush! I'm getting you the collar, and you will wear it!" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close.

PJ whimpered and obliged, "Yes Master..."

"Good boy~ I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well~" I pet him, rubbing his wolf ears to get him to wag his tail.

"May I help you?" a store clerk asked, as I'd been zoned out while looking.

"Oh, no thank you," I dismissed him.

"Alright. Just ask if you need anything." He left to do something else.

I picked a pink collar that was only a bit too long for PJ's neck, though it was good anyways. After all, I didn't need it for a dog, who would slip out of the collar if it was too big. I needed it for a naughty wolf, who knew he needed me more than leaving would help.

I decided against a leash, since I would only get one if PJ really started to misbehave. For now, he was a little bitch I trusted without a leash.

I went to the checkout counter, buying the collar, imagining how cute PJ would look in it. My hand twitched, longing to pet his soft hair at all of these thoughts.

Hurriedly, I left the store. I went home, excited for when PJ would come over for our usual evenings of affection.

I waited in my room, fiddling with my fingers.

"D-don't pet me!" PJ argued.

"You're wagging your tail!" I chuckled, reaching for his fluffy tail.

"No! Stop!" PJ blushed a bright red as his tail wagged uncontrollably. He was so cute when he tried to act all stubborn and tough.

'He's so cute~' I thought, sighing dreamingly. I didn't have the chance to continue daydreaming about when I got to touch his soft tail and hair as my window opened.

"Jammy!~" I cheered, excited to show him my gift.

"Don't call me Jammy. You can just call me PJ." My wolf boy huffed, although the red on his cheeks and the wagging of his truth-telling tail made me think he really liked the nickname.

"If you don't like it, I can call you something else." I pat my lap for him to sit on.

PJ closed the window before sitting on my lap, his wagging tail swaying against my chest.


I took the chance to put the collar on his neck. Of course, he looked down and felt the collar with his hands before he realized.

"I told you no on this collar thing!" he growled. "Take it off!"

I huffed. "I think you look adorable! It matches your pink hoodie! And it's not like I'm asking you to wear it all the time!" I leaned my head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. "I just want you to wear it when we're alone. It makes you look so hot. I just want to take off all your cute clothes and make you bounce on my dick all night long~"

PJ shivered, getting noticable goosebumps on his arms when I started rubbing them to convince him. It seemed he just needed my skin on his skin when I spoke dirty to him to get him to melt. Rubbing him at all made him extremely excited, too.

Suddenly, he stopped being my blushing little pet and put on a stern face. "No! I know what you're doing!"

"And what am I doing?" I raised an eyebrow as he got up from my lap.

"Your stupid seduction trick! You always do it when you want me to do something for you!" PJ crossed his arms. "You did it when you wanted me to start wearing leggings, and you're doing it again!"

I just stared at him for a bit. "But you do look hot in leggings."

"Of course I look hot in leggings, but that's not the point!" PJ huffed. "You just want me to do all your gross kinky things and you use your stupid hot voice to make me!"

"If you hate it this much, you don't have to wear the collar, or the leggings." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I just like them, and I thought you complied because you knew that. I mean, our relationship is purely sexual, and I assumed you went along with my kinks because you liked them too."

PJ was at a loss of words for a minute. "Of course I'll wear it for you..." he mumbled, looking away with a red heat on his cheeks.

I smiled a little, out stretching my arms to him. "Come here, puppy~"

PJ got back on my lap, hiding his red face in my chest. He seemed embarrassed for his little outburst, although I didn't mind it.

After all, even if he got mad, it wasn't like he'd disobey his master.

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