Chapter 1-Weirdos and Opportunities

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"Fuck I'm gonna be late, shit shit shit" I sighed, frantically looking around for my scrunchie throwing on a oversized hoodie and leaving on my short pajama bottoms.

I rushed out of my dorm room sprinting down the hall to get to my second class. At this point I'm not even surprised I overslept again. Reaching Mr. Winn's classroom and being absolutely out of breath, I stood outside the door trying to catch my breath and think of an excuse. I'm in my last month of college and it's starting to kill me. At Least I'm done with finals and just doing assignments to bring up my grades.

" I really need to stop being a fat ass and go workout" mumbling to myself.

I opened the door and all eyes were on me, my hair is a mess and I don't need this shit today.

"Stop fucking watching me!" I shouted walking up the stairs to my seat.

" Miss Cohen please see me after class." Mr. Winn demanded.

I hate that man. Glancing at my phone seeing it's only twenty more minutes of class. I'm in some deep shit when he tells my dad, fun perks of having your dad's creepy best friend teach you. I sighed in deep thought. I looked up and glanced around to see everybody packing their stuff then leaving. After the last person went through the door, Mr Winn aka Eli went and locked it. I immediately got uncomfortable since he's always been perverted towards me. His stride turned from normal to being a vain peacock. His brown eyes glanced up at me while fixing his brunette hair in an attempt to show off his muscles. Is he trying to look good for me or something? I shivered at the thought.

"Miss Cohen please come down here so I can speak to you" he insisted.

Walking from my seat to his desk was torturing me not knowing what he was planning to do or say. I stood in front of his desk shifting on one foot to the other knowing he's just watching my thighs. I was ready to launch myself out of the window nearby, if he said anything regarding that night that made me hate myself for a very long time.

"Xaela you look sexy today" he whispered while coming towards me.

"Eli stop, can we get to the point" I sighed.

"Whatever you want, baby girl." he joked.

Continuing, "Okay let's make a deal, you do something for me and I don't tell your dad about all the time his little spoiled princess is coming to class late."

"I'm not doing anything for you, and never will you two faced bitch. And I'm graduating soon so fuck off." I snapped.

He raised one of his well trimmed eyebrows and chuckled dryly, " Listen here if you don't want me to fail you and make your life a living hell, you will do as I say and do what I want you to do."

Rolling my eyes and unlocking the door I turned around catching him watching my ass , " No you listen, if you wanna keep on having an apartment you will listen to my spoiled ass, cause I don't think you wanna live on the streets where you belong."

The audacity of this man. Now I'm late to my next class again, how fun.


After my classes finished for the day, I called my favorite teacher Leah aka Miss Peyton. And she's the perfect person to help me.

"Hey baby" I teased.

"Hello devil spawn, what do you want?" she chuckled.

" Okay Okay you got me, I need to find a job. I'm about to graduate and I can't have a degree for nothing." I said breathlessly.

She sighed, " You're so lucky we've known each other for a while because I got a job opportunity for you."

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