Chapter 10-Not relevant

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It's been a couple of days since I was over at Imani's house and she's acting like nothing happened or maybe because nothing did but still. At this point I'm full on ignoring her except for doing my work she assigns . I mean it's not like she's trying to make a conversation with me unless she's asking about Vea's well being. In the distance I heard a phone ringing and immediately thought it was mine but it wasn't. 

It came from Imani's office. I forgot she's having a meeting with a client. The phone just kept ringing so I finally got up to check who's spamming calls, I went into Imani's office then picked up the phone, " Good Morning this is Parker's Law Firm, how can I help you?"

"Is Iman- uh Ms Parker there?"

"I'm sorry but she's in a meeting at the moment, how can I help?"

"Yes, tell her I'm downstairs in the lobby."

"And may I ask whom I'm speaking with?" I got a pen and paper to write down the name.

"Lexa, Lexa Davis." She sighed and grumbled something about not needing to go through all of this.

"Okay Ms Davis, I'll talk to Ms Parker about sending you up." I hung up the phone making my way to the conference room on the floor below this one. I walked out the elevator to see Imani shaking Mr Richards hand, they both smiled at each other politely. Mr Richards made his way over to me spotting me by the elevator. Imani went into the conference room leaving me and Mr Richards aka Josh alone.

"Hello there beautiful." He said winking at me, I blushed at the compliment. As a gay woman Josh is very handsome man.

I smiled politely at him, "Hello Mr. Richards, I hope your meeting went well."

"Yes it was, beautiful." he checked his wrist glancing at the time on his watch, "Well I better be going now."

"Okay have a great day!" I waved at him while walking to the conference room.

I walked inside to see Imani packing up her things. I was about to say something when she cut me off.

"What do you need Miss Cohen?"

"There is a Lexa Davis in the lobby for you." Imani's whole mood shifted into an angry one.

"Send her up, I just can't get rid of her." she grumbled the last part. I nodded my head and walked out of the room with Imani confidently walking behind me. When we got in the elevator it was dead silent except for hearing the sounds of music playing in the background. God this is so fucking awkward. Imani was first to walk out of the elevator straight to her office. I sighed. I texted the front desk to send Miss Davis up.

I sat down spinning in my chair then my phone started to vibrate, notifying me I have an incoming call. I reached for my phone seeing it was my dumb bestfriend's. I have a feeling this call isn't gonna be worth my time but it'll help cure my boredom.

"Xeala ,Vira is so fucking dumb." Vani huffed

"Hi bittttchhhhhhh." Vira screamed in my ears.

I looked at my screen to see Vira smiling from ear to ear while Vani is looking looking annoying as fuck.

"What did she do now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay heads up I did noth-"

Vani interrupted Vira, " Shut the hell up, okay right. She came in my apartment to argue with me about who's hotter, Scarlett Johnson or Angelina Jolie. And I said that Angelina Jolie is but she doesn't think so"

" Yeahh because she's not, she cheated on me so I gotta pick my second wife." Vira shot back.

"I think-" I started to say but was cut off by Vani.

"Oh my gosh Vira, you dumb bitch. You could never land her in the first place."

"Like you can with your uneven brown balls!" Vira shouted. I laughed at the two arguing like a married couple. I heard noises coming from Imani's office. The two were still arguing so I just left my phone and went to check out the noise. I wish I didn't. I walked in to see Imani tongue deep in a woman's throat, the woman sat on Imani's lap grinding on her. 

I stood there in shock because this is not what I expected. I was expecting a crime scene or something of the sort. I cleared my throat causing the woman to jump and Imani looked pissed at me. I'm guessing this is Lexa.

The lexa girl had a smug face, "Um who are you, wait I don't care, close the door on your way out and lock it."

I crossed my arms, "I'm her assistant."

She smirked at me, "You?"

" Yeah me problem?" I smiled innocently.

"Yeah you look um so yeah I have a problem." she half laughed. " You look a little jealous of the position you saw us in."

"From what I see there is no 'us', because if there was, the front desk wouldn't be calling to let you up. Therefore they know you aren't anything of importance to Ms Parker and you're probably just a booty call whore for her." I scoffed.

" At Least I'm not somebody's assistant." she attempted to roll her eyes at me.

"Says the one who just made the daily gossip about being fired." And with that I walked out forgetting Ms Parker heard me say all those things. Shit I'm gonna get fired.


Imani just called me to her office. I even packed up my stuff because I'm definitely fired. I took a deep breath at her door and walked in.

"Miss Cohen what the hell was that, suppose she was a client?" she yelled

I cringed at her yelling, " If she was then I don't you should have a business then." Shit my mouth, I really gotta turn it off.

She got even more upset, " Haven't your mom taught you how to speak to people?"

I got sad at the thought of the word 'mom' but kept my confident front,"Haven't your mom taught you never to mix work and pleasure?"

"Miss Cohen, I advise you not to get me any more upset than I already am.'' She cooly started with a stoic face. It scared me.

"I'm sorry but I know when to stand up for myself, Have a nice night Ms Parker." I turned on my heel and walked out. If I wasn't fired then I'm fired now.

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