Chapter 15-Moods

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"Hey mommy, get up. Mani says we here."

I opened my eyes slowly looking at her precious face, she looked pretty tired too. I knew it was way past her bedtime with the time difference. Imani came up behind Vea with her Peppa bag on her shoulder. I needed a bed now because I swore I saw Peppa wink at me, a little gay if you ask me.

"Xaela the limo is outside, and I have an early meeting so hurry up." Imani instructed me as she lifted Vea up and went outside.

Am I tired or is she being cold towards me, maybe I was dreaming about earlier. I stood up and grabbed my bags along with Vea's blanket she was using. I walked down the stairs of the private jet feeling the cold brisk air whipping through my knotless braids.

I walked over to the long black limo getting in, I should've worn a heavier jacket than a cardigan. Now I'm really feeling it.


I walked into the luxurious hotel lobby with a toddler in my arms fast asleep; snoring, Imani was in front of me arguing with the receptionist about the room.

I walked up behind her, "What seems to be the problem ma'am." I asked the receptionist nicely.

"There was a clogged pipe in the penthouse and we only have two bedroom suites available." she replied to me.

"And what is the problem with that Imani?" I turned my head looking at Imani's irritated face. I didn't see the big problem.

"The problem is that I paid for the penthouse Xaela." she sneered at me, we were not doing it right now cause if she pushes it, I will push her off a cliff.

"Ma'am we'll take it, excuse my wife's behavior." I sweetly smiled at her. She smiled and gave us the two key cards and clipped a little band around Vea's wrist. I guess it's her way to get into the room and to identify her staying here.

I walked to the elevator seeing Imani rushing behind me, she was about to open her mouth when I held up my hand and mouthed 'don't start'. She huffed and stayed at the far corner of the elevator, when we got into the room it was nice and cool.

I quietly dressed Vea in pajamas while she still slept, what a heavy sleeper. I grabbed her monkey and blanket she could never sleep without, I sighed walking out of the room, I needed a shower and sleep, maybe a glass of wine.

When the door clicked closed, I barely looked up to see a very angry Imani. Nope nope nope, not now not never. I am not dealing with her right now, I walked past her going to the next room where the porter left them. This suite was huge, Vea's room was a good walk away from the master's bedroom, I heard footsteps walking behind me, she was getting on my last nerves.

"What the fuck was that down there Xaela." she hissed, "I paid for the penthouse and that is what I wanted."

"Well I'm sorry that I was tired along with my four year old daughter, I don't care if you paid for it, it was available and you being a bitch to her was going to help." I sneered at her, she was slowly walking towards me.

"That doesn't give you the right to step and talk over me Miss Cohen or as to you Mrs Parker."

"It didn't give you the right to drag me here."

"It's your job, don't ever do that again. The next time you do it, you're fired." She smiled slightly at me.

"Bite me, bitch." I looked into her eyes, I didn't realize we were close until I got out of the moment.

She was quiet, looking into my eyes. Her eyes held something I could place a finger on. It looked like a light bulb switched on in her head.

She roughly grabbed my face making me whimper, her grip was strong, she tilted my chin up and kissed me hard. She bit on my lower lip so hard, I tasted a metallic blood taste in my mouth. She really bit me. She was a really good kisser.

I placed my arms around her neck pulling her deeper in the kiss, we finally broke free to catch a breath of air. We looked into each others eyes, then it hit me.

I kissed my boss.

"Thanks for giving me a reason to finally kiss you."

"I'm your assistant, you're my boss. Is something not churning in your head, it's wrong." I whispered to her is disbelief

"I am fully aware but I could care less, I was fully aware of what I did when I did it." she assured me.

"I'm not gonna be your side whore Imani, and I sure as fuck not gonna be used by you."

"If I wanted to use you, I would've. I would have made your life a living hell." she said those words emotionlessly.

"Thanks for boosting my confidence so much.


The next morning was hectic, my period came and I felt like shit. Vea was eating some bacon and eggs at the table while watching The octonauts, singing along to the little songs in between.

"Princess, eat up, we gotta go." Imani cooked at Vea, she really has a big soft spot for her.

"Okay, can I have rawberries please."

"What did you say, princess." Imani stopped next to her, she looked good. She was in a cream pantsuit with a deep V neck line with cream peep-toe stilettos, her signature scent radiating off her. While I had on a burgundy pants suit with a bralette underneath with laced up high-heels.

"She wants strawberries, she has trouble saying the beginning." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You hear something princess? I think a ghost was talking to me." She acted scared.

Via giggled, "It was mommy."

I rolled my eyes at the two, " We're gonna be late Imani, let's go." She chuckled while lifting up Vea, fixing her gray off the shoulder sundress. Luckily today was hot, which was pretty surprising seeing that it isn't sunny here normally. I went to the kitchen and packed some healthy snacks and organic juices in her Peppa bag.

I grabbed my purse and also Imani's and headed to the door hearing both of them giggling behind me, we were in the elevator and the two were singing the intro to Sofia the first, god when will get actual adults in my life.


This meeting is so boring, Vea was in Imani's office here. I honestly would rather watch all of the Vegas shows than be here. She looked very attractive talking to Mrs and Mr Suco about their case, they wanted to get a dicorve and were trying to figure out who gets what. She was carrying him to court because he wanted the house even though they both had split the cost of the house to buy it in the first place. Pretty boring compared to some of her other cases, Imani wanted me to sit in on this meeting to take notes on key details they were mentioning.

After the meeting and being back in her office, we were organizing some files when Vea said she was hungry. We walked into an upscale restaurant. A few people turned their heads to stare at us. This one girl in particular was watching me with curiosity and excitement, she didn't even know so I didn't understand. We were sitting at the table making small talk about the case, stuff we were gonna do here and the schedule for the week, not gonna lie, it was pretty empty. We both had a deep conversation when the same girl came up to the table, she was beautiful.

"Hey sis." 

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