Chapter 26-Party Preparation

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I knocked on Imani's office door slightly, I knew what I was about to ask her would either get me kicked out of her office or get her mad. Maybe I'll get 'fired' again yet I'm still asking it, I heard a quiet 'enter'.

"Hey Miss Parker." She looked up through her reading glasses, I convinced her to get them a while back since she was always squinting. It was an adorable sight.

"How can I help you?" I sat on her desk, she pushed my butt off. Rude. I looked at her with a small pout on my face. She rolled out her chair a little simultaneously patting her lap for me to sit on, I smiled knowing she couldn't resist me.

"I have a question." I sat on her lap looking at the paper and pictures of the case she was currently working on piling up, I was slouched just enough for her to look over my shoulder and still focus.


"Would you still love me if I was a dog?" She deeply sighed, I knew she was sick of me asking silly questions.

"No. Anything else Miss Cohen?" I clutched my chest dramatically leaning further onto her.

"Other than the fact you don't love me anymore, no."

"Get out, I have work to do." I groaned loudly as I walked out of her office, our relationship was weird. We weren't a couple but then we acted like we were, I was ready for us to be exclusive, I just didn't know if the feeling was mutual or not.

I was snapped away from my daze by my phone ringing, it's the people who we were renting inflatables from, I sighed picking up the phone.

"Hello Miss Cohen, did you want the bouncy house along with three water slides?"

I sighed, this wasn't the first time they were calling about these stupid inflatables, "Yes I do, is there a problem?" Today was Vea's birthday, my stress levels were high, it was a surprise party.

I told her we're just doing a small party at home and she was already jumping for joy, so I knew she would love this.

"Yeah uh, what kind of inflatables?" I rested my phone, this was the third time. I've said countless times to these people that I want princess themes, water slides and bouncy castles.

"Listen Milly, this is the last time you call my phone asking different questions when I have already finalized what I want and where I want them. The next time you call it better be a confirmation they're at the site." I hung up the phone, immediately calling my dad.

His phone rang for a minute before I heard his loud voice echoing through my ear, " Hey pumpkin, the tables and tents are already there, I'm just waiting for your call to send the photographer and caterers over." He might be a bad dad but is never unreliable when it comes to events.

"Thank you so much dad, I'll call you thirty minutes before to send them over. Thank you again." He said a quick bye then hung up. I slumped in my chair covering my face, groaning from a headache.

I wanted to make this birthday perfect for her, I just wanna give her everything she deserves. Hot tears ran down my face, I was so overwhelmed with everything.

"Miss Cohen let's go." Imani stood by the door buried in her phone, she looked up and saw me crying, her heels clicked coming towards me. I looked at her and tried to hold in my sobs, her professionalism was replaced with concern.

She sat leaned on my desk opening her arms, I rushed over to her, embracing her tightly around her waist.

She gently rubbed my hair, " What's wrong my love?" I stayed quiet, "Xaela, please talk to me." She pulled my body closer to her.

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