Chapter 4-Nugget

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It's been a couple of days working here on days I don't have class and after the days when classes are done. I'm exhausted. My dad still hasn't gotten back to me but I'm sure he will or else it's his loss. It was now 8 pm when I got back to my dorm room to see it was empty except for a sticky note on the nightstand. I rushed over to read the letter thinking I was robbed.

Dear Xae,

I took everything out of your dorm to your new apartment with your sister. At 9 pm please meet us at the location set in the gps of your new car. Here are the new keys to your car and the apartment. You will find the car parked in the second space next to the walkway in the parking lot.

-Love dad

I read over the sticky note about five times not being able to comprehend how the hell he didn't even give me a heads up. I checked my phone and saw it was 8:46 pm. I made my way over to the parking lot and followed the directions until I came upon a matte black tinted honda civic type R. And my gaped open in shock. If this is what it really took for him to buy me a new car I would've come back like two months ago.

My old car was in the shop for a tire replacement and the mechanic is just wasting time so I never got it back for about two months so I've been walking and ubering anywhere I needed to go. I breathed in the new car smell, glancing at the backseat, I saw a carseat for my sister. " Well that means no car sex for me then". I remembered I needed to update my bestfriend's on where my new home will be. I pulled out my phone to open our group chat.

Unstable Racoons :[ : 8:55 pm

Me: guys my dad got me the apartment and i'm heading there now

WhitebishVira;) : Finally your old sexy dad was taking a long time :)

BrownballsVani: Send us the address, i need 2 test out ur toilet and see if it's vani proof

Me: ew vani, Vira if you don't stop

WhitebishVira ;) : just saying i wouldn't mind getting on that bbc :)

Me: I can't i'm gone

BrownballsVani: Okay that was nasty asf vira but your dad is hot, and yes homo.Get it?

Me: dude stop you're embarrassing me


Okay now to go to my new home. I pulled up the GPS on the car and saw the address locked and I'm surprised, it's a good part of Chicago. At Least he didn't rent a cheap apartment. I drove while bumping to 'Happier than Ever' by Billie Eilish and that gave me some energy to not fall asleep. I pulled into a complex astonishment, well this for sure isn't cheap at all damn. 

I walked through the lobby and pressed the elevator to the 19th floor. 'Ding'. I got off the elevator glancing at the keycard in my hand reading the door number which said 24th. I got to the door and took the biggest breath of my life then unlocked the door to hear my sister giggling with dad talking to her. I made my way towards the voices and my little sister/ daughter saw me first.

She screamed, " Mommy!!!!" I picked her up off the floor and twirled her in the air.

I grinned, " Hi nugget, mommy missed you."

" You didn't come see me." she paused and started to count on her fingers, " um mommy, you haven't seen me in like 100 days."

I laughed at her counting, " Nugget I saw you last Thursday."

She crossed her arms, " Same thing mommy."

I watched her wriggled out of my arms to go back and play with her barbies. It always broke my heart when she called me mommy since she didn't have a real one to begin with. The day she called me mommy I broke down. She was only three and starting to form proper sentences and went from calling me Xae to mommy by accident.


1 year ago

"Hey nugget, what you feel like eating." I asked

"Ummm chicktin dino nuggies" she clapped her hands

I rolled my eyes playfully, " We can't have chicken nuggets Hun."

" But mommy-" she clasped her hand over her tiny mouth. " I'm sorry." she broke down crying and so did I.

I went up to her and hugged little body as she cried about something she should never be sorry about. I took her out her high chair and went to her play mat in the living room.I wiped my eyes and whispered to the crying toddler, " Hey Nugget, it's okay to call me mommy, because in a sense I am your mommy, but always remember i'm still your big sister too okay." She nodded her head and buried her head in my neck sniffling.

"S-so I-I can call you mommy." she sniffled while trying to talk.

I smiled at her, " Yes nugget."

I knew one day she would some day forget that I'm her big sister and not only her mom. But for now she knows I'm both.

*End of flashback*

"Grandpa, can I have your keys for dolls?" she begged while sitting in her corner with her toys.

"Dad?" I murmured

"Yes Xaela." He said

"Why is she calling you that?"

He sighed while looking out the large windows, " I told her to call me that."

"Why the hell would you tell her that?" I whisper yelled

Vea was too into her toys to even bother with the raising of my voice.

" Because I've never been a parent to her, Xaela, you have!" he blurted.


I rubbed my temples, " Vea tell him bye he's leaving." 

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