Chapter 2- Don't let me down

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After my call with Leah, she told me to meet her at the nearby coffee shop close to the University in ten minutes. I got up from my bed to go and put on some proper pants or sweatpants ,which in my defence is pants sooo. I put my black hair up in a puff and went to my mirror next to my window to check out myself. 

As I watched my brown skin shone in the light of the sun I saw every imperfection on my face being drowned out, like sounds on a windy day by the afternoon's golden hue. I watched my cat-like eyes, full brown lips and medium pointed nose with my nose rings and soft rounded eyebrows complete my face. I must have stood there for about 10 minutes while being in a daze with myself. I looked at my phone and saw it was 5:20. I saw a text from Leah....

Leah <3 5:15pm

'Where the hell are you, I have shit to do.'


I opened the cafe door to see Leah angrily waiting, probably waiting on text back from me. Oh well. Walking towards her she glanced up and I swore she was gonna kill me on the spot.

"Heyyyyy babyyy" I happily said.

" Don't hey baby me Xaela" she whispered with a playful eye roll.

I pouted "I'm sorry, well actually I'm not but that's besides the point."

" Anyways, I was gonna tell you about a new electronic store opening close to the Parker's Law Institute." She explained with a pause.

" But that's not the job I want you to get, okay so I want to get the job at Every Gadget..." She paused

"Is that the name of it? And you're confusing the shit out of me." I grumbled

She stared at me in a ' let me finish' kind of way.

"I know how it sounds but I want you to get the job at Every Gadget and work there for about a month so I can see if I should really recommend you for the job. My friend Imani is looking for an assistant but you'll be getting it after graduation."

I raised one of my eyebrows," So you don't think I can handle an assistant job?"

She sighed, rubbing her temples , " No Xae, but I need to know if you're serious about getting a real job and if you can keep that job for a month, that will tell me what I need to know after graduation. Oh and the job is confirmed, no interview or anything, she trusts me so don't let me down."

She got up and left. Well working at a stupid tech store shouldn't be hard at all so I got this all I have to do is get the job and smooth sailing from there.


It has been one week since my talk with Leah and what she said has been on my mind since then to know 'That will tell me what I need to know' like what the hell is that supposed to mean. I was now sitting on my bed watching Netflix at 3 pm even though I have homework piling up. I should probably get started on that but I could do it tomorrow. 

Pulling me away from my thoughts I heard someone pounding on my door and that can only be two people. Stomping over to my door and swinging it open and walking away , " Shivani,Avira stop fucking knocking so damn hard and how can I help you!"

Avira rolled her eyes , " Well first of bitch we wanted to say hi and Vani was knocking. Xae we need to celebrate getting out of this place."

Vani mumbled and walked towards my bathroom, " Well my bad, I need to shit."

Vira looked at me and burst out laughing and I couldn't help but to join her. I checked out her ripped black jeans and white turtle neck with her crocs. Vira was the only white girl out of the three of us but the most outspoken and no filtered person. 

She has a short blonde bob, cute button nose, nicely shaped eyebrows, pink plump lips smeared in lip gloss 24/7 and her the greenest forest eyes ever. She is hot. I'll give her that in as much as she seems like a basic bitch she's far from it. But she's straight after all. She began walking behind me just to hug me from behind, gripping my waist.

She whispered seductively in my ear, " Were checking me out just now."

I groaned, " Yes you dumb whore but you look cute at the top and then like a bum with the shoes."

She whispered, " You still want this...." being interrupted by Vani himself.

Vani cried out from the bathroom, " Xae where the fuck is toilet paper, my ass is dripping shit!"

Shivani was an Indian boy who was white washed at this point. He had coffee skin color, short sleek back hair, with bushy eyebrows, brown lips, dark brown eyes and smoothest skin like a baby's ass.

I chuckled walking to the bathroom with Vira still clutching on to my waist. I opened the bathroom door to be slapped by the smell of Vani's shit. I held my nose and went to the cabinet to get him a new roll. He took the roll from my hands only to wave his hands to shoo me out.

 Vira finally let go of my waist only to go back by the closed bathroom door to harass Vani. I was on the way to my bed only to notice the door still hadn't been closed. I walked close enough to the door where I could kick it close but as it was about to shut it was stopped by a strong hand. I was so close to shitting myself when I saw who was behind the door.


It gets better soon, some spice 

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