Chapter 17-Caught

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Waking up with cramps at 4 am is such an exhilarating feeling, I groaned, even my uterus can sense the sarcasm in that sentence. Kinda wishing I had a dick, I groaned a little louder, my body was not off of Imani and on the best but she was spooning me from the back which I would've liked to enjoy. Except the jackhammering feeling happening in my uterus, oh the joys of being female, just great. I tossed around groaning 'fuck', I might snap my own neck at this point.

"You okay?" I heard a groggy voice barely whisper to me.

"No, I'm having cramps and I wanna pull my uterus out."

"Stay here." she lazily dragged herself from the bed to go do or get god knows what.

She came back ten minutes later with a tray in her hands, resting it down next to me on the nightstand.

"Okay I got a heater for your stomach, pills, a cup of water and peppermint oil." She rubbed her eyes, I can tell she was still tired yet she woke up and did this for me.

"Why the oil?" I turned my head slightly, wondering what it could be used for.

"Uhh, I think the front desk lady said there was a diffuser in here somewhere, it helps with pain, something like that, my mom used to make me smell it when I was in pain." She started shuffling in the night stands for some diffuser, she yawned, now I felt bad for waking her up. I felt tears brimming in my eyes, she's tired and I was the one who woke her up.

I sniffed, "I'm sorry I woke you up, I can go in-in my room so you can go back to sleep, I don't even know w-why I'm crying. I don't wanna cry." By the last sentence I broke down. She rushed over with black diffuser in her hand, plugging it in quickly, adding water and the oil.

She wrapped her arms around me, "I'm here, try and go sleep my love." She rocked me back and forth, the smell of peppermint slowly invaded my nose making all my pain drift away. I stayed there in her arms bearly awake hearing sleepily whispering good nothiness in my ear.

"Thank you." I barely muttered before sleep took over my body.


The aching bottomless feeling in my stomach woke me up from my blank dream. I Haven't dreamt anything in a couple of weeks. Which was fine with me once I didn't dream about that horrid night that I've grown to have deep regret for. I felt over on the right side of the bed empty and cold. I guess I didn't expect to really stay with me the whole morning, it's fine. The heaviness of my pad felt disgusting, so I rushed to the bathroom where Vea and I slept. I walked into the room since the bathroom had a door connecting to the hallway which I entered through to get rid of the dirty feeling which surrounded my body. I noticed Vea wasn't in her room either, hm odd, she's probably out in the living room watching Tv.

Come to think of it, I didn't hear the obnoxious tv booming throughout the whole suite. I ran out of the room looking for my daughter wearing only a towel. I knew I had to go and check quickly before the rainfall of blood began to pour. I checked all around the suite, no Nevea and no Imani. They probably made up and went somewhere, without me. I slightly smiled at the alone time I was about to get, sitting on the bedroom bench in my matching baby blue bra and panty set. It would've looked flawless if I could see the bulge from the pad at the front and back. Ugh.

Making my way in the kitchen in a huge T-shirt with some shorts on, I grabbed a couple of strawberries that were in the fridge, flicking through Netflix trying to figure out what to watch. During my indecisiveness I heard the door to suit click shut, they're back. I accidently groaned out loud.

"I'll take that groan as a happy groan Ms Cohen, if not, then I guess you won't be getting the breakfast Vea bought for you." I Heard Imani from the kitchen.

I saw a happy little nugget racing towards me, I was about to open my mouth when Imani took the words right out my mouth.

"Nevea, no running. We don't want you falling, now do we?" Imani sternly said, careful not to raise her voice. She can talk to me like that anytime.

Vea looked down and mumbled, "Sorry Mani."

"Hey princess it's okay, what if we go to the park later so you can run around all you want." God, this woman really has a soft spot for her. My underlying question was how did Vea buy the breakfast.

I walked in the kitchen sitting on the counter watching Imani's back turn. I had no idea what she was doing, "How did she buy my breakfast exactly?"

She turned around walking up to me, our faces about inches apart, I could smell her minty breathe waving around in the air between us, sucking in my breathe trying to stop the building knot in my stomach, it was getting hot really hot but she reached behind me on the counter for a brown paper bag.

She leaned over, " Breathe Xae."

She looked behind me focusing on something, she muttered 'good' under her breath, then placed the bag down back down the counter. Now I was confused, her hands clasped around my waist and pulled me closer to her, bringing one hand up stroking my jaw.

She tilted her head making contact with my neck slowly kissing up and down my jaw to my neck. She dragged her teeth from my pulse all the way down my vein, biting it roughly. I moaned, a stray tear dropping from eyes I didn't even know formed, I felt her sucking on my neck for a while, making a hickey. She backed up looking me deep in my eyes before crashing her lips onto mine, I immediately kissed her back with as much intensity.

We didn't even hear the little pattering of feet coming beside us,"Momm-, oh.'' We both turned our heads at the same time causing them to thumb together, simultaneously groaning and holding our heads.

We heard a little giggle and turned our attention back to the toddler, " Oh um yes Peppa pig is calling me, bye." She ran off giggling, she wanted to ask me something but made that up, she caught us kissing. Now how was I supposed to explain this?

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