Chapter 3-The Agreement

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I stuttered, " D-Dad?"

He chuckled letting himself in, " Hey pumpkin, how are you ?"

I was still speechless.

"Okay I know it's a surprise to see me here since I never visited you on campus but you're not in trouble." He comforted me.

I sighed. Why is he here? Did mom come back? No stop it Xeala, she's not back and she's not coming back. She doesn't care about you and you know it. Tears were now welling in my eyeline. My dad must've noticed me standing there frozen in thoughts. 

He wrapped his arms around me and told me consoling things while I stood there not knowing what to do. Vira and Vani came from the little hall where my bathroom is laughing. As soon as they saw my face they rushed over to me asking me questions I didn't even hear. I was drowning in my head.

"Xaela, you're okay." My dad repeated it for the third time.

That time I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around the room. Fuck everybody faces look worried. I quickly wiped away my tears and broke away from my dad's embrace.

"Father, why are you here?" my voice cracking.

He sighed and looked away from my eyes, unable to make eye contact, "I need you to come home after graduation."

That changed my mood drastically. I could feel the heat burning in my body like it was being fed gas to my raging fire ready to explode. Vani and Vira noticed my demeanour change and they stepped out of the room to go sit in the hallway until I was done with my father.

"What the fuck do you mean ,I need you to come home." I mocked him.

I was beyond angry right now because this could only mean my father got too busy with his company to watch my little sister who is four. Well half sister considering my dad got some woman pregnant and she didn't want the kid after she was born. Her name is Nevea and she's my pride and joy since I'm the only mother figure she has. 

I was nineteen when she was born, now I'm twenty two. Now I'm trying to be a mother figure when I barely had one. The reason I'm so angry is because after she left me thirteen years ago, my dad was depressed and threw himself into work instead of taking care of me. 

Then we made an agreement when I left to go to college, that he would take care of my sister and give her the attention and love she needs due to him not being with me when my mom left and my sister deserves what I couldn't get. Nevertheless he broke it by storming into the room telling me this bullshit.

I rubbed my temples, " Dad you broke the agreement, but I'll come only because she deserves better than you except-."

He lit up with joy, " -Thank you so much."

I snapped, " I wasn't done speaking father, you will get us an apartment seeing that you broke the agreement cause i'm sure as hell not moving back in that house."

The truth is I don't want to be back there since Eli knows where the house is, plus it holds many memories of her. Also I don't want Eli to hurt Nivea as much as he hurt and fucked my brain and mental stability up. I have to give her a better life than what I have. My father nodded his head and told me he will get it done by the end of the week to move in. He walked out and my friends walked back in. I guess I really have to get that job now.


The rest of the night Vani and Vira didn't ask anything about what we talked about. The next day I had no classes therefore I decided I would drop by Every Gadget and I'll tell you it's not what I expected. I was thinking of some small stores by the roadside with no space to park but it was a good size store with a parking lot. I entered the store with my head held high like the boss I am. I went to the only person I saw in the store tapping on their shoulder, " Goodmorning, I'm here about the job you're offering."

The petite girl who was shorter than me turned around and I was stunned. It was none other than my best friend Avira, honestly she looked different. Maybe her polo shirt and blue jeans didn't match her at all.

She happily jumped up and down, " You're hired!"

I rolled my eyes and facepalmed, " That's not how it works Vira."

She pouted and crossed her arms, " Well it's my uncle's new place so he put me in charge and i'm sure as fuck not going through people's boring ass resumes."

I nodded, " Okay so when do I start."

She smiled then went to the back and got a polo shirt, " you start now, we open soon and the others should be here at 10 am."


soon about introduce ppb herself

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