Chapter 22- She's a psycho

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I woke up hearing a repeated ringing noise in my head. It's Friday and I am not going into work early. Imani isn't supposed to be in until 12pm, so I'm taking full advantage of that and coming at 10 am. I barely opened my eyes, seeing Vea suspiciously walking towards me.

"What did you do?" I watched squinting my eyes not only from just waking but also from sunlight that was beaming in my eyes.

"I spilled milk on the floor." She whispered, I could see that she had milk on her clothes now, what the hell was she doing with milk.

"What were you doing with it Nevea." Normally I would be at least irritated but it doesn't make sense. I dragged myself out my room into the kitchen to indeed see milk spilled all over the floor. I saw the fruit loops box opened and a bowl on the ground half filled with milk.

"Vea, did you pour the milk before the cereal?" I did not raise my child to pour milk before cereal, I have failed as a parent. I face palmed picking up the bowl and mopping the milk.

"Next time you're hungry just wake me up hun." I sat by the kitchen bar, checking the clock on the stove, 9:00. Not too late.


"Mommy, my birthday is in...." She started counting on her fingers, I knew she didn't know any number past ten, " Um when is my birthday again?" I chuckled.

"It's in 3 days, what kind of party do you want?" This was the best idea I had to know what she wanted.

"I wanna be like princess Tiana, no frog peas."

"Who's birthday is it?" I heard Imani's voice coming from my office door.

"Manii, my birthday." She excitedly squealed. A huge smile ran across Imani's face, I knew she was gonna shower Vea with gifts. They both walked out of the room discussing birthday plans. I knew it was time to get lunch but I needed to know what Imani wanted.

I used my finger to slightly knock on Imani's door, I heard her heels on the door before opening it then closing it with her back resting against it.

She looked exhausted, her eyes looked red like she just had been crying. I knew Vea wasn't in her office anymore, she turned on the Tv in the little lounge room that was a couple doors down. Just after they talked about birthday celebrations.

"Are you okay?" I was worried about her, I knew I probably wouldn't get anything other than a professional response from her just like I had gotten all week along with snarky remarks, I just needed to know if she was okay.

"Is this what you called me out here for?" Typical Imani answering a question with another question.

"No, I just wanted to know."

"I'm splendid Miss Cohen. Now get to the point, I don't have time to waste on you." She crossed her arms, her patience winding down when mine was already done. She treated me in this cold manner like we weren't cuddling in a damn bed a week ago.

"Can you not be a bitch for one fucking second Imani. I'm trying, I am really trying here, but you're making my life so hard right now." All of my restraints I held in all week is gone.

"I would watch my mouth if I were you."

" Or what, you're gonna fire me. Boo hoo, boo fucking hoo." Our eye contact would kill anything that fit between it.

"Xaela, not today because I will not hesitate to drive my knife through your throat." She looked serious, it scared the living shit of me. She wouldn't hurt me.

I walked into her office, there was no need for my child to hear this. Walking into her office with no permission made her even more angry. I heard her heels walking behind me. I heard the flick of a knife also hearing the door click shut. I didn't want to turn

A cold sharp blade pressed deeply into my neck, a small part of me thought she was joking. I knew she always had her knife with her, I just didn't think it was so close by. Her cold hand covered my mouth, she twisted the blade going down my cleavage.

" I won't slit your throat, not today anyway my love." She whispered the last part in my ear. I felt a stinging pain on my chest, she was cutting me. Just as I was about to scream, she gripped my throat with the hand that was no longer covering my mouth.

I felt like my airway was being crushed, the stinging by my chest finally stopped instead I felt warm liquid trickling its way down.

I looked chest to see she made an I, she carved her first initial of her name into my skin. What the the actual fuck. She released her tight grip from my throat. There was gonna be a bruise, and they take a while to heal.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I shouted this as loud as my lungs could possibly handle from just recovering.

"Get out." She sat in her chair, intertwining her fingers looking up at me with a blank face.

"You're a fucking psycho you know that? Hm, because the fucking 'I 'on my chest can tell you so." She looked so calm, almost bored.

" Next time I'll bend you over my desk and fuck you til you're numb."

I stood there speechless, this made me want her, and I shouldn't want her she's my boss.

I shouldn't want her right?

She smirked knowing what was going through my head, that's when it clicked. She was being that way the whole week just to tip me at my breaking point.

She stood up walking towards me again, she backed me up on her desk placing her hands under my skirt. She caressed inner thighs making her way up to my clit, she added some pressure making me hum. She glided her fingers excruciatingly to slow down my cunt. I moaned softly.

"Let me help you."


As you can see i'm very into knives, and partly blood

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