Chapter 18-I admire you

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I jumped off the counter scurrying across the floor to Vea, was I making a big deal out of this? Maybe. But she's never seen me with a partner, especially with a woman, who is my boss I might add. I sat on the couch next to her.

"Hey baby what you saw, um it was uh just a-"

"It's otay mommy, you and mani like like each other." She was smiling like crazy. I was confused. She's four. What does she know about people liking each other?

"What do you know about that nugget?"

"Vira told me about it, like how Barbie and Ken like each other." She whispered the last part, she turned her attention back to Tv that now had Sofia the first. The theme song came on and I could've heard Imani shouting the song from the kitchen.

Imani came out with a whisk in hand, "SOFIA THE FIRST TTTT." she bowed after singing the last part. I clapped at the extravagant performance.

"Bravo, now where is the breakfast Vea bought for me."

"Yes mommy I was coming to tell you I brought you breakfast, but you were hugging Mani. But I paid one whole dollar for it." she boasted. One whole dollar, I knew it was much more than that but I enjoyed watching her be independent just how I want her to be.


After eating a splendid breakfast which contained bacon, fruits and some fluffy pancakes, we were now getting ready to carry Vea to the park. Imani didn't have another meeting until tomorrow so that probably explains the good mood she's in.

We both sat in the living room waiting for the drama queen Nevea to walk out and show us her special outfit she put together. I was really hoping it looked good because I was ready to get out and smell the fresh air, a couple minutes later Vea came out with a gray NFL t-shirt and some cuffed blue denim pants, aww my little tomboy. I looked down at her feet and saw they were bare, she had a whole outfit planned out with no shoes. This girl.

"Hey nugget, where are your shoes?" She walked towards me with a confused look on her little face. I looked at her hair and knew it was time for me to do it. It was stale and I can't have my daughter running around with uncombed hair.

"Uh, I don't know what shoes to wear." she was standing there with the cutest face on playing the hem of her shirt, I decided that she would wear her vans. I usually put her in any shoes where she can't get hurt or her expensive shoes to wear them out and crease them a whole lot. I came out of her room with checkered vans in my hands along with a black socks.

I told her to sit on the couch while I placed her shoes and socks on her tiny brown feet, she wiggled her toes wherever my fingers grazed against the sole of her feet.

She stood up twirling to show us her outfit like we haven't seen already, Imani and I just clapped, she was proud of her outfit and I was proud of her. The little things.


Vea was running up and down the playground, the swing creaked as she swung, the cold bench was now warming due to my body heat constantly pouring out my body, today was a tad bit on the colder side. It was perfect, Vea was playing, having fun, Imani and were indulging in light conversation which briefly stopped. The silence held peace, just utter peace only to be disrupted by an Apple ringtone, it banged against my ear. She looked at me and said she need to take it which I excused her, I
heard her a couple feet away chattering on her phone.

Her shoes crunched on dirt below them, her face held uncertainty, I've never seen her unsure about anything. This was bound to be interesting.

"That was my mom. She invited me over for dinner and told me to bring you guys. I told her I wasn't sure you wanted to come so I would find out if you did. If you don't want to, it's fi-."

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