Chapter 21-Fuck my life

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Unstable Racoons :[ : 9:15 am

Me: Thanks for staying over guys, I really needed it

BrownballsVani : We got u Xae, but when you cry ur ugly asf

WhitebishVira ;) : Rightttt!!!! You was looking like you got hit by a bus 🤣

Me: ykw drop in a ditch, but i got favor to ask you guys and I need y'all to say yes

WhiteBishVira;): How much are you paying?

BrownballsVani: If you got food im down

Me: I mean you can buy, and Vira i'm not paying you guys anything, I just want y'all to take Vea out somewhere while I grocery store 🙄

WhiteBishVira;): Could've said it was for my niece, I'll be there in 20

BrownballsVani: Pick me up on your way Vira

WhiteBishVira;) : No, bitch.


I turned off my phone and rested it on the toilet next to my shower. Texting in shower isn't good at all but I needed them to take Vea. The house was empty, I made sure of it before we left just so I don't have to come smelling a rotting fridge.

I heard my bathroom door being opened, I can't even shower in peace. I heard little feet padding walking up to my glass shower, good thing it was one way glass.

"Mommy can we have pancakes for morning food peas?" I could see her pleading eyes through the shower and I couldn't help but to give in.

"Yes we can nugget, can you pass mommy's towel please?" At least I was finishing up showering, Vea handed me the towel through a little crack I peaked my head through, I then climbed out of the seeing her dressed up in her dinosaur pjs with Mr hanging from her hands.

"You brushed your teeth yet?" She shook her head at my question, she must've just gotten up. And already had food on her mind.

"Go and get your tooth brush then we can brush together." She quickly ran off to her bathroom for her toothbrush, she came back running her cheeks were jiggling as made it by my side. I lifted her onto the sink and wet the toothbrush after I added some toothpaste and began brushing.

"This such an adorable sight, I want a kid too." Vira cooed at us. She would be a great mom but I know she would take it back just as she sees. Vea finished brushing her teeth and went out of the bathroom with Vira.

I looked at myself in the mirror not really recognizing the girl looking back at me. I took the bonnet off my head and shook my hair.

My hair was still fresh, I needed it to stay away until the month ended. These braids weren't cheap so this bonnet will stay on unless I'm going to work. Work. My job. My boss. Imani. Fuck. She's my boss.

How am I supposed to avoid my boss who's parents house I went to, and punched her sister. And I have work tomorrow, fuck my life.

I walked out in the living room in an oversized tee, sweatpants and crocs. I decided I would put my braids in a bun. I felt cozy, it was all that mattered in my books plus I'm not going anywhere of importance.

"Guys i'm leaving to go, you guys can bring her back around 12 or whatever, she said she wants pancakes for breakfast." I proceeded to walk out of the apartment.

"And Avira does not tell my child any bullshit!" I shouted as I slammed the door behind me. I opened my car door, I'm still excited about my new car but I also got back my old one. I may or may not make my dad get back my Dodge Challenger Hellcat, I made him speed up repairs and this felt so good.

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