Chapter 25- Spiral of emotions

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"Hey, I got something to tell you." Those words are never good, I sighed preparing myself for the worst. It was only us left at the house , Vira took Vea to the water park for an early birthday event. We both had a shower together, minor touching here and there.

I still had to figure out what to plan for Vea's birthday, I shifted my body while Imani played with my braids. She still hasn't said anything, the silence was getting me on edge.

"What is it?" I kept my eyes focused on the tv. We were watching my favorite show,  Orange is the New Black. Most of the time I was just drooling over Alex, she was so fine.

"I bought Vea a couple of gifts for her birthday." I smiled, I thought she was gonna say she regretted saying she said she loved me.

"What's wrong with that?" I heard a rapid knock at the door.

"I got it delivered here." I rolled my eyes at her, she behind me as I opened it. There was a young boy, probably about 19 or so. He was surrounded by five boxes, three of them were large and the others were medium size. I allowed the boy whose name tag said David. I signed for the pancakes, then gave the boy a smile.

I rested my hands on my hips ,"You have ten seconds to explain yourself." She walked to the kitchen, raiding my fridge for something, I rolled my eyes, and could swear she lived here now.

"The biggest ones have a kitchen set, a doll house she told me about, a supermarket set and the smaller ones are a truck and toolset." I knew she must have spent over a thousand dollars on them.

"Imani. I'm paying you back right now. How much did all of it even cost?" I rubbed my forehead trying to gather my thoughts as I trudged to the living room for my purse, Imani picked me behind.

"You're not paying me back Miss Cohen, at least not in money anyway." She said in a hush tone in my ear. She gently slid my bag down onto the ground still clutching to my waist.

"You're right I can't pay you back, I don't have a job." I looked back at her, slinging my arms around her neck. I smirked gazing into her eyes.

I portrayed my best pout, "Please, give me back my job Miss Parker."

She kissed from my lips down to my neck, "No." She hastily moved away from me. I ran to catch up to her jumping on her back.

I leaned down to her ear ,"Oh, I guess i'll tell Vea that you didn't get her any presents."  I jumped off of her back climbing onto the kitchen island.

She turned around standing between my legs, " You wouldn't dare." I innocently smiled while petting her hair.

The doorbell rang again, I rolled my eyes, " Did you order something else?" I swung open the door revealing a light brown woman in her late forties I presume, her winkles only enhanced her beauty.

"How can I help you?" I smiled at her, it was odd for this random woman to show up at my door. The receptionist doesn't let many people up, unless their family or delivering a package. And I don't know her so she must be delivering. She looked speechless, her eyes wandered all over my face.

"Hello? Are you here to deliver something?"

"My god, you've gotten big since i've last saw you."

"Who are you?" Imani hugged me from behind, I relaxed in her arms.

"Pretty girl, it's me."

"What?" It can't be, there was no way this can't be happening right now. All my memories of both of us came crashing down on me. Why now. Tears spilled out of my eyes, I tried my best to wipe them away but they just kept coming.

"Imani Parker, lovely to see you again."

I spun around," You fucking know her Imani?!" My voice breaking with every word, I stepped out of her grasp to see Imani smiling at my mom.

"Yeah, don't you? She's your mom." An irritated look settled itself on her face, she had no right to be upset right now.

"No Imani, I don't fucking know the woman who walked out of my life at seven years old." My arms flared all over the place, the audacity of this woman.

"Yeah, bet the mom of the year didn't tell you that huh."  A small body squeezed through my mom and Imani.

"Mommy we had so much fun, water poofed all over Aunty Vira." Vea didn't notice anyone but me, I held her damp body in my arms. Her face held a bright smile.

"Is that my grandbaby?" My mom asked with hopeful eyes.

I watched her, just watched her and smiled, "You can't have a grandchild if you don't have a daughter." Sadness crossed her face, I could care less what she had to think about my behavior. She didn't have any right to claim Vea as her grandchild.

"That's no way to speak to your mother Xaela." Imani looked disappointed.

"Oh for heaven's sake, give me a break. Vira takes Vea to have a bath please." I handed Vea over to Vira, she was confused about what was happening and I was in no mood to explain. I rubbed my temples, the one day I wasn't supposed to have stress.

I just want one day with Imani, just one.

"Imani get out, you too Iris."

"Honey, we can talk this through." She was trying so hard to talk to me to get anything out of me, it was too late for her to play mother now.

"Iris or mom, we can't make up for thirteen years of my life through a conversation so please, I beg, just go." I didn't just close the door in her as much as the voice in my head screamed at me. I heard the elevator dinged, I couldn't bear the fact I just kicked my mom out of my house.

"Imani I don't have it in me right now, close the door on your way." I pooped myself onto the couch. The front door closed, the only I could was sigh. I kicked my mom whose attention I've longed for and the love of my life.

"You're not gonna get rid of me so easily, Miss Cohen." The couch beside me dipped, she pulled onto her lap so I straddled her waist. My arms found their way around her neck, pulling her close to me. I just wanted to feel her on me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know she left you. She came to me for help on how to divorce her husband without getting her young daughter involved in a custody battle. I didn't know it was her plan to leave you. I'm so sorry, baby."

"I love you so much, I'm so fucking sorry." I felt her tears wetting my shirt, I wanted to answer back.

I was lost in a spiral of my own emotions.


I have no Idea what to write for this chapter

I think I might focus on Mom's best friend for now, until I get back inspiration to do this book

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