Chapter 28-First time mom

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Imani's POV

Ps this was not proofread, i'm lazy.

Please comment, i'm begging now.


I watched as Xaela's lifeless body being carried into the ambulance, Vea kept a firm hold on my hand. No five year should have to see this, god I didn't even want to see this. Xaela's mom left right after she shot, she will be found and pay for what she did. I picked Vea up carrying her to my car, this was supposed to be the best day of Vea's life.

Now it's the worst.

I slumped in my seat feeling defeated and depressed, I was going to officially ask her to be my girlfriend later. Vea was supposed to go with my grandfather for the night after the present opening at her apartment. Then we would've gone out to a well deserved dinner. But plans got ruined, a party ruined, a little girl's life is now ruined.

Every fucking thing is just ruined.

I slammed my hands against the wheel, I heard a little yelp coming from the back seat. Shit, I forgot she was in here. I turned in my seat looking at her precious face, "I'm sorry princess." I also told Vea she would be staying with me. Bad thing is I have no idea how to be a mother to a kid. It shouldn't be that hard, right?


Wrong, it's hard, it's not fun at all. It's Monday and I'm currently trying to figure out where she put her other shoe. She was staying at my penthouse. We went to Xaela's apartment to get all of her clothes and toys she might need or want.

She still got to open her gifts, although there was a big smile on her face, I knew she would have appreciated it better if her mommy was here.

We've visited Xaela in the hospital everyday now, Vea likes to tell her about her day. She was in a coma from the amount of blood she lost from the wound, the doctor said it hit a vein in her leg. It was highly uncommon but happened.

Seeing her in such a vegetable state broke my heart every time, her tan color was still there but was starting to fade from the cold ac in the hospital. I specifically paid someone to come and take care of my hair, I know she cherishes it very much and I wouldn't want it to be matted when she wakes up.

If she wakes up. It was always a possibility that she could die.

I sat on the floor of Vea's bedroom, still stressed out from not finding this shoe. Tears threatened to put out my eyes, I sucked them up. A pink color caught my attention under her dresser, this stupid fucking shoe. I grabbed the shoe rejoicing in my head.

"Vea baby, I found your shoe." She ran to me with cheeks jiggling up and down, it made me smile how adorable she was. She took the shape from my hand while putting it on.

"Uh mama, can you tie my shoe lace? Please." I bent down tying her shoes patting her knee when I was done, "Mommy said she was going to teach me how to tie them when I was five, but mommy is not here." I sadly smiled at her, telling her how she will teach her to tie shoes. I knew she didn't fully understand the extent of the situation.

She just thought her mommy was sleeping and was going to wake up when she was well rested. I didn't tell her anything. I just tried to keep the same hope as her.

I dropped Vea at her school for the day, she was starting big girl school now. It was just a reminder on how her mommy was supposed to do that and give the big mother-daughter pep talk. I tried to do it, but I'm not sure if I did it correctly. I'm pretty sure I didn't do it well because her exact words were 'You will get better at it'.

I sighed resting my head in my palms, my phone ringed from my pocket. I so desperately wanted to ignore it. But it kept ringing over and over. I was just about to pick it up and my office door burst open. I looked up seeing it was Leah.

"I was calling your phone Imani, did you forget to pick up?" I rolled my eyes going back to typing on my computer. She sat in front of me observing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the party, my flight ran late. I tried calling Xaela but she didn't pick up." She doesn't know what happened to her and in all honesty I don't feel like explaining. Yet somehow I did, she did not take it nicely.


I strolled through the hallway of Vea's school to get her, my heels making an echoing sound in the empty hallway. I walked up to the room where I dropped Vea this morning. I knocked on the lowly, a curly haired beauty opened the door.

"Um Miss Parker, have you come to collect Nevea?"

"Yes, is there a problem at bay?" The woman quickly shook her head, telling me to wait. I stood outside watching all of the kids either running around or sitting. I felt small arms wrap around my legs, I smiled scooping her into my arms. I looked over her face to see dried tear lines. She hid her face in my neck, wrapping her arms around me.

"Mrs. Teale, care to explain why my daughter was crying?" The younger woman looked visibly shuddered.

"I uh um, the other kids in the class were talking about some guns and things. I assumed they were talking about toy guns." Her voice squeaked.

"Do you hear yourself?" I told Vea to cover her ears.

"Her mom was shot, and some of those same kids were at her party when it happened. Did that not fucking add up in your brain. If this ever happens again, I promise you will have no job in the very near future." 

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