Chapter 8-Lunchdate/ Playdate

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It's been two weeks since working at the law firm and it's not bad except for my boss being a bitch part. I've gotten super close with Ryan even introducing him to my friends. They clicked instantly though I'm not surprised his personality is gravitating.

"XAELA!" I looked up to see a very angry Ms Parker. I really need to stop zoning out.

"I have been calling your phone since you didn't answer. You made me waste my time by walking over here." She crossed her arm. I slumped back into my seat, "Sorry Miss Parker, how can I help?"

"We're going out for lunch, be ready in 5." With that she walked out, I hurriedly grabbed my phone and purse. I walked into the lobby to see Ms Parker scolding somebody which I might add looked very hot.

She dismissed the person then glanced around looking for me, I immediately walked up to her.

"We're driving your car because somehow he lost my keys and needs to find them and by the time he does, time will be wasted. I don't have time to waste like you people." She stated.

"What does 'you people' mean?" I retorted.

"It means, people who don't run a firm like myself so let's go."

I rolled my eyes while walking out to the parking lot spotting my car in the distance. When she got in I started the car but she glanced at the back eyeing my daughter's car seat.

"I didn't know you had a kid."

" It didn't seem like your business." I spat. She rolled her eyes at me and sighed "Can we go already?" She insisted.


We were eating at a restaurant when I got a call from daycare.

I picked up the phone, " Hello?"

The teacher on the other end answered, " Hi sorry for disrupting you but Vea accidentally turned up her food. Can you bring her something else to eat?" Just how can this day get any better, my boss knows I have a kid and now she's gonna probably meet her. I agreed with the teacher, I looked back at Ms Parker to see her already watching me.

"Who was that?" She asked sternly.

"The daycare , Vea turned up her food by accident. Now I gotta get her food but she wouldn't like anything on this menu."

"So her name is Vea?" She asked softly. I've never heard a voice so soft.

"Well her full name is Nevea but I kinda want to take her out to eat, if that's okay with you."

"Yes it is." She got up and threw a hundred on the table.

" We could have split the bill."

"Well the food is a quarter of your paycheck, and I don't need your card declining." She calmly said while getting in the car.

"I'm not broke you bitch." I hissed at her then it hit me what I said.

"Sorry I shouldn't have cursed at you." I apologised and she started smiling.

"It's okay, now you don't want to keep Vea hungry so chop chop." I laughed because she cared so much for a person she hasn't met yet but doesn't seem to care about anything else.

I ran out of the car when we got to the preschool, I got in front of the classroom door out of breath. I opened the door to be greeted by the teacher, Mrs Teale. She greeted me and went to get Vea. As soon as Vea saw me she lit up, "Mommy!"  I grabbed her bags from the teacher who gave me a polite smile.

"Hi baby, let's go get some food." I walked out with Vea in my arms feeling nervous about Ms Parker meeting her. We got to the car soon after thinking I opened the door to backseat to buckle Vea in. Vea soon noticed the woman in the car, I sighed as I got into the front seat.

She crossed her arms, " Who are you lady?" I looked over at Ms Parker nervously to see if she was already tired of my 4 year old, surprising she was genuinely smiling as she watched the four year old.

"My name is Imani, I'm your mommy's friend." She smiled.

"Hi!" Vea said joyfully.

"Hey Vea, how do you feel about the subway?" I watched her through the mirror.

"Yesss sunway." Vea giggled. I chuckled at her , driving to the subway. When we got out Vea grabbed my hand and Imani's hand while she walked in the middle and this gesture sparked butterflies in my stomach. Vea ordered a ham and cheese sandwich while Imani went to find seats. I looked around to find Imani in a booth waiting on us, we walked up to her and Vea sat on the inside eating her sandwich messily, I had to wipe her mouth countless times.

"Mommy can I have a cookie please?" Vea begged with her best puppy eyes.

"Vea you have cookies at home."

"Mommy those are yucky cookies. Mani, can you buy me a cookie?" Imani looked at me trying to find an answer and I shook my head no gave her a death glare.

She smirked, " Of course I can get you a cookie princess." She got up to get the cookie and I followed suit while watching Vea eat happily.

"Imani what the hell, she's gonna be hyper all night."

She laughed, " Okay then take her to the park to burn off some energy."

" I have to go back to work, Miss Parker or did you forget?"

She shrugged, walking back to the booth, "I didn't, I just don't feel like doing any more work today."


Well we ended up going to the park for about three hours just playing Vea, it was the most stress free happy time of my life. We were now back at the firm so Imani could drive home, I looked through the mirror and saw that Vea was sleeping.

I decided to get some files from the building to work at home. I turned on the AC and locked the doors of the car. Good thing my windows are tinted because I don't want no kidnappers seeing Vea. While walking into the lobby with the field in hand I saw that Imani was arguing with the same man so I approached her.

"Hey Ms Parker is everything alright?"

She sighed, taking her hands through her hair, " No, this jackass still can't find my keys so I have to call Uber to go home." She looked down at her phone seeing it wasn't turning on.

I stifled a laugh but failed, " Come on, I'll drop you home."

She looked visibly upset at me now, " I live an hour away and it's getting late."

"Imani let's fucking go." I spat.

she scoffed, "Watch your mouth with me little girl, i'm still your boss."

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