Chapter 27-All for her safety

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I stood there shocked, the sun was blinding. I almost couldn't make out that there was another person.

"Give your uncle Eli a hug, pretty girl." My head snapped in my mom's direction, who's bright idea it was to let Eli in. I stormed in search of my father, I found him at the food tent getting a mountain of food.

"We need to talk now." Venom laced my words, today was meant to be the perfect day. I searched for my phone in my pocket to call Imani, I left it in the car. Great.

"Roman, when I get back we need to have a serious conversation." My steps to the car were fast. I finally got the car hunting for my phone, I was so excited for vea to see her party I could recall where I left it. I ping go off, center console. I kissed it multiple times.

Imani Parker

Me: Don't let Vea out of your sight, please

Imani Parker: Okay, is something going on?

Me: No, just listen to what I said


I couldn't tell her Eli was here, she would freak. A knock at my window pulled me from my phone, I looked through the tint seeing it was Eli. I sighed. I pushed open my door roughly to purposely hit him.

"Why are you here?" I was so frustrated with everything already and this was the spoiled cherry on top.

"Xaela, i'm here to play games. I have someone in that party who will shoot the birthday girl on command, don't listen to me, her blood will be on your hands."

"Eli, what the fuck could you possibly want from me!" An evil smile grew on his face, not seeming to stop, he was serious. I needed to tell Imani to get everyone out there.

"I just want you all to myself. We can go live in the mountains, have a little family of our own." I knew what I had to do.

"That sounds so good, you know I've been trying to cover up my attraction from you for so long. Come with me, we can start that reality right now." He licked his dry lips, took my hand, and interlaced our fingers together. His moist hand made me want to gag.

We walked in the woods a little before he stopped suddenly, "I think this far enough, I just can't wait to have you." We were only about 30 feet in, I brushed it off, a feeling in the pit stomach said this wasn't going to be good. I knew it wasn't from what I was about to do.

He pressed me up on a big tree, the bark of the tree scratched my back, "Now we're alone, what do you want to do first honey." I gave a him a fake smile, I noticed he had a gun on the waist of his belt while we were walking. 

I didn't know what my move was but I needed to think quickly, I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him deeply. I was disgusted with myself. But I had to keep my baby safe. His kisses started going down my neck, I faked some moans, slowly sliding my to his waist.

I grabbed the gun and pushed him off me, "Your despicable, utterly disgusting. You know I really young when you raped me, yet I remember everything about that night."

He stood there watching me, emotionless. I took the gun of safety, getting ready to shoot him and end this once and for all.

I squeezed the trigger, only to hear it click. He knew I was going to do this.

"You didn't think I wouldn't think this whole thing through Xaela?"

"Now because of your little scam, this will be the birthday girl's last day. And it's your fault." He took out his phone, I ran hitting him with the gun in the head.

He rolled on the floor holding his head, I guess it wasn't hard enough to knock him out. But good enough for me to run Vea to safety.

I kicked his phone away, running to find Vea and Imani. I saw them both talking to my mom, my mom's back was turned to me. Vea saw me coming and ran up to me hugging my legs. I smiled knowing she was safe.

My mom turned around with a gun in her hand aiming it at my daughter. I pushed Vea out of the way just before a gunshot rang out. I took one last look at my mom before I fell to the ground, the adrenaline coursed through my veins. I looked over to where I pushed Vea, seeing her looking at me with pure fright.

Imani kneeled by my side, "Hey hey hey, you're gonna be okay I promise. I bet it's just a graze. You're okay." My blinks were slow, I laid a warm pool, it was comforting to my cold body.

"Tell her I love her everyday, promise me." I barely whispered, I couldn't feel anything anymore.

"No no, you're gonna be fine and tell her that yourself." I gave her a weak smile, I heard her shouting at people, my brain could make out what she was saying. She looked back at me with the most hopeful eyes.

I felt my breathing slowing down, "I admire you." It was the last thing I muttered before everything stopped.

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