Chapter 33- Weird Day with weird people

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"Is this seat taken?" A voice snapped me away from my phone, I looked up to see a beaming smile from Vea's teacher.

I pulled out the chair next to me, "No it's not." I politely smiled waiting for her to say something else since I've never actually talked to her, it's a bit awkward that she wants to sit by me.

More or less have a conversation.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I watched as her eyes trailed behind me, weird but I guess she doesn't like eye contact.

My phone slightly vibrated on the table, I hoped it was my dad because this was starting to get uncomfortable for me.

"Yes actually, I'm waiting for my dad." I fidgeted with my fingers on the table, she hummed and shifted in her chair, "Well I can keep you company if you like?"

"I'd rather not since I don't know you too well." I bit the inside of my cheeks wishing she would just disappear. I watched shock cross her face before going back to her regular smile.

"Oh well, we can get to know each other." She said with hopeful eyes. It's either this woman is trying to kidnap me or she's very persistent, I glanced behind me seeing Leah in the line holding a coffee in her hand.

After a few seconds her eyes wandered over to where I was sitting, she slightly waved at me then raised her eyebrow when she saw who was sitting next to me.

"Excuse me for a second."

Mrs. Teale grabbed my wrist before I could get up, "Wait, I would like to talk to you about Nevea." My eyebrows instinviley scrunched, why didn't she say this sooner.

"What about her?"

"Well she's been very disruptive in my class." She cannot be serious right now, it's not like she even teaches.

"You do realize my daughter is 4 right?" Although it didn't sound like something Vea would do, she might be completely different when at school so I don't want to call her a liar yet.

"Yes I do but this behavior-"

"Look, i'll talk to her but I'm not interested in talking to you anymore so goodbye." I pushed out my chair, grabbing my belongings along with my now cold coffee. If there is anything more I hate with confrontation it has to be cold coffee.

As I approached Leah she turned off her phone and turned her body to me, "Hey big bean."

I intictly rolled my eyes at her, "That's new, I wonder who you got that from." She smiled knowing she got it from Vea, ever since I started calling her my little jellybean she did the same calling me big bean.

I know I've barely been but I miss her.

I made a mental note to do something with her today when I got home.

"I got it from my favorite little person, you might not know her." My phone immediately rang right before I was going to answer her, I smiled when my dad's contact name was shining brightly on the screen.

"Hey old man, where are you?"

He chuckled, "Well hello, I'm parking the car. I'll be outside in a couple."

"Okay see you soon." I smiled as I hung up the phone, these days I actually felt like I was making an actual bond with my dad after all these years.

"Well, I hope to get to meet your favorite little person some time soon but right now I have to go." She nodded at me giving me a hug.

"Your girlfriend would kill me if she saw us right now." I giggled in her chest.

"She would so byeee." We eventually let go of each other and I stepped outside waiting for my dad, I looked around seeing him coming towards me with a big goofy smile on his face.

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