Chapter 7-First Day Disaster

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I walked into the reception area while glancing around at the unique structure of the building. I went up to the front desk and asked excitedly, " Good morning, where can I find Miss Parker's office? It's my first day at the office assisting her." The front desk lady laughed in my face like full on laughter. I stood there confused just trying to keep a smile on my face.

She smiled sympathetically, " Oh I'm sorry honey, It's just that you're in for the job that you will regret but good luck. The 25th floor is her office." I slightly smiled at her making my way to the elevator. Well she can't be that bad.

 I felt the elevator stop, shaking me from my nerves, I started walking through the hall to the big frosted glass doors. It looks like this floor is only her office and a couple of other doors. I sighed as I stood there watching the doors, you got this. I slightly knocked loud enough for her to hear. I heard a faint come in. I closed my eyes and opened the doors to be greeted with a huge white and black decorated office. I was watching around and heard someone clear their throat.

I slowly turned to look at her, " Oh I'm sorry, good morning ,Hello my name is Xae-" my eyes made contact with her cold empty eyes as a result of looking directly in her eyes I shivered. Fuck my life it's her bitch.

She smirked at me, "Good Morning indeed Ms Cohen." I looked down and ground defeated when I heard heels stopping in front of me, I kept my eyes trained on her long legs, she lifted my chin with her ice cold pointer finger. 

She hummed, " Well this prissy posh bitch is now your boss. Oh and Ms Cohen, welcome to your worst nightmare." She dropped my head while walking away with her hips swinging left to right. Pantsuits really fit her body.

I spoke up confidently, " Well I enjoy the thrill from my nightmares so try me." She glared at me with a cold expression then let out a poisonous laugh. I'm loving my luck right now.


It got worse. I was sitting in my new office working on the papers she told me to organize. When she called me for the sixth time, I groaned while walking to her office. I stood at her door for a minute just to take a deep breath before I popped off on this bitch. I walked into her office to see her typing furiously on her laptop.

"Xaela, go get me a cup of coffee, black with three sugars." she said plainly, not even glancing up at me. I turned around to walk out of her office mumbling, "Black like your soul."

"If you have something to say to me just say it but beware I have your little job resting in my palms, so do enlighten me." she glanced up with her fingers intertwined on her desk. I watched back her then nodded my head no.

I walked into the break room or what I assumed to be the break room to get coffee. I wasn't paying attention when I was walking while holding her coffee causing me to bump into a tall muscular body, the coffee spilled all on their business attire.

"Oh shit, sorry I should look where I'm going." I looked up to see a handsome black haired man with a friendly smile plastered on his face.

"Hey it's okay shit happens but owe me a shirt and yourself a new coffee." He smiled while taking a napkin to clean some of the mess on the floor.

"Um it's not for me it's for the boss, she is gonna murder me."

He frowned, " Yeah bestie I'll plan your funeral. My name is Ryan." he stretched out his hand for me to shake. I stared at his hand then looked back at him.

"You're gonna make my hand smell like coffee so no thank you Ryan but I'll see you around." I turned around getting ready to make another coffee.

"Bye bestie, oh and i'm a homosexual too." he shouted after me. I swiftly turned around, " How did you know I was gay."

He scratched his head, " My spidey gay senses were tingling." I chuckled and walked away.

I got the other coffee and carefully walked to her office. I opened the door without knocking, only to hear on the phone.

"No, I can't meet tonight or any for the rest of this month, my schedule is packed." I could hear the irritation in her voice.

" I said I can't now leave me alone." The other person on the call was still talking when she hung up. I watched as she sat there sighing, I started walking towards her when I heard her mumble with a slight chuckle , " I fucking hate her."

I wondered who she was talking about ; I stood there zoned out. I didn't even notice she was staring at me, I shook myself out of my thoughts as well as giving her the coffee.

"How much of that conversation did you eavesdrop ?" She eyed me with disgust written all over her face.


" Get the fuck out." she said calmly.

"Not even a please, rude ." I walked out of her office and went back to mine. I know I'm repeatedly risking my job by answering her back but she doesn't get to treat me like shit. I glanced at my phone to see it was only 11:30 am, what a long ass day. I decided to text my friends until she calls me again which I know she will.

Unstable Racoons :[ : 11: 56

Me: Guys my new boss is a bitch and I'm gonna get myself fired, just to give her a piece of my mind 

WhitebishVira: I'll fight tht white hoe for you sis

BrownballsVani: Dude you already look like a street rat, I don't think you wanna be homeless like one 

Me: And to think, I was just starting to like you

WhitebishVira: Beat him sis, Whoop his ass, not in the kinky way he likes tho


It was now nearing the end of the day when I got a phone call from the daycare telling me I have to pick up Vea early since she wouldn't stop crying. I got up from my desk hoping that Miss PPB aka prissy posh bitch will be in a good mood for me to leave early to collect Vea. I knocked on her door as soon as I heard 'come in'. I walked towards her desk a little nervous being it's my first day and i'm already asking questions like this.

I pulled myself together, " Miss Parker can I please leave early due to an emergency?" She watched me blankly.

"Why?" she looked upset now, shit.

" I'm not comfortable telling you why Miss." I said quietly.

"Then how do I know it's really an emergency?" Right after she said this the daycare called again. She watched me with eyebrow raise then nodded her head for me to answer.

I sighed, " I'll be there Asap." I hung up the phone.

"Please Miss Parker." I watched her with sincerity in my eyes.

"Fine but don't think this will happen again Miss Cohen." I got up running out of her office straight to mine to get my stuff.

Once I got to the daycare, Vea was laying on a sleeping mat curled in a ball with her blanket draped over her ; she must have exhausted herself by crying so much. I picked her up along with her bag, and my poor baby cried herself to sleep. 

When we got home Vea was running around trying to find something. I finally stopped her in the hallway scooping her in my arms, " What are you looking for?"

She rubbed her eyes, " Monkey gone mommy." I began to chuckle which caused her to frown.

"Monkey is in my room where you left him this morning Ve ve." She started to wiggle out my arms now that she knew where he was. I watched as she bolted into my room with her little feet padding on the wooden floor. She came out with a huge smile while hugging a monkey close to her.

"Tank you mommy!" She ran off to go play with her toys.

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