Chapter 23-Pizza Night

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"I want to, I really do but Vea is close by..." She hummed at my statement then walked around to her desk.

"You're right, go." I scrunched my eyebrows at her, two seconds ago she wanted to fuck me on her desk now she's a whole different person.

"You're a really confusing person Imani." I sat in the chair that faced her desk It's time I made myself comfortable, I needed to know what was happening in her head.

She interlocked her fingers while resting her head on them, "Why do you say that?" She looked intrigued on what I would say next.

"First you wanna fuck me then you're telling me go."

"You made a good point about Vea being close by, who am I to argue about the respect you have for yourself and your child."


"Why did you hit my sister Xaela, be honest."She said that like i'm always lying to her, good to know how she sees me.

"Firstly I'm always honest, secondly she was saying some stuff I couldn't stand."

"Why not tell her about it instead of hitting her, you were being childish." She was talking to me like a child.

"Imani, I'm not sorry for hitting your sister, quite frankly I wanted to do it for a while, but one thing I will not tolerate is her disrespecting my child." She looked at me confused like it was her first time hearing this.

"She what?" That snarky bitch didn't even tell the truth.

"So you instantly believe when she tells you some bullshit. What exactly did she tell you?"

Imani explained how her sister said I threatened her about some bullshit, I wasn't even listening. It's the fact that this girl is so desperate for attention to go about lying.

Vea invited Imani over for dinner tonight, without me knowing . This little girl swears she owns the place and pays rent. If it wasn't Imani texting me asking what time to be there, I would've been clueless.

We were home now, I was chilling on the couch watching Vea playing with her barbies as sipped on a glass of wine.

I had no idea what to cook.

"Hey baby, what do you want me to cook for Mani?" If there was anyone who knew what she wanted it was her. I was glad she wasn't as indecisive as me.

"Umm, can we haveeeeee, pizza." It wasn't a bad idea, I had the ingredients to make it from scratch.

"Okay, you gonna help me?" I crouched next to her, smoothing her eyebrows. Her face instantly lit up, she loved cooking just as much as me. I walked to the kitchen to get our matching aprons, mine was 'mommy's kitchen' while Vea's said 'Mommy's little helper'. I had to get it when I first saw it.

"Can Mani make it with us?" She looked up at me with such hopeful eyes. I wasn't sure if Imani would agree to come earlier but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

I went to the living room to grab my phone and text her while Vea washed her hands.

Imani Parker

Me: Hey can you come over right now?

Imani Parker: Sure, why?

Me: Vea decided we're making homemade pizza and she wants you to come and make it with us.

Imani Parker: I'll be there in 20 minutes.


She already knew my address, which I didn't know how but I'm not questioning. Vea and I were both covered in flour, she blew some flour in my face and all over me since I tapped her cheek with flour.

I was rolling out my dough to make my pizza and gave Eve her own roller to do the same. She was struggling at first however she got the hang of it soon after.

There was knocking on the door, she was here fast. She didn't even take 20 minutes. I unlocked the door revealing Imani, her hair was in a bun and she had on a beige turtleneck with black slacks. I rolled my eyes at her, she is incapable of dressing casual.

"Welcome to our humble abode." I bowed, she chuckled at my weird antics. She walked in resting her bag on the hooks next to the door. She took off her shoes at the door, leaving her in fairy socks.

"Cool socks Ms Parker."

"Very cool indeed, someone convinced me to get them." I knew that someone was none other than Vea. We both walked into the kitchen giggling. Vea turned around jumping off the stool, into Imani's arms.

"Maniiii, guess what we are making for night food." She still said night food, morning food and afternoon food , no matter how many times I told her the proper names.

"Hmmmm, bread?" Imani played clueless.

Vea giggled, " No silly, wait mommy aren't we making pizza, why are we making bread." I face palmed my face and Imani snorted so hard, she tried to bury her laughs in Vea neck.

"It's a part of the princess process." Imani barely composed herself to say that. I went to the cupboard to get an Imani apron also, this one said 'kiss the cook'. She tied around her waist and started rolling out her piece of dough.

I went to the fridge to get the tomato sauce and all the toppings. She looked so hot. I tapped her shoulder, she turned around with a smile on her face, she looked relaxed and happy. I tippy toed and gave her a kiss, she smiled into the kiss.

"Ewwww!!" Vea snickered. We broke apart, I was a blushing mess. Thank god for melanin else I would be so red, too bad for Imani, I could see the redness on her face.

We all added final touches to our pizza's, Vea had a sausage pizza, Imani had pepperoni with mostly veggies, and I had a combination of all three. We cleaned up, deciding to watch a movie to pass time. Vea picked Moana, half way through the movie the timer went, it seemed only I heard since they were both so engrossed in the tv.

I placed all three pizzas on the table, " Guys, dinner is done!!!" I heard Vea feet running up to me.

"Can we eat and watch Moana?"

"No, you're not messing up my furniture missy." She looked like Imani. I sent Vea to wash her hands in the bathroom. I felt arms snake their way around my waist.

"I'm not allowing it." Her warm lips kissed on my jaw down to my neck. I moaned quietly as she started to suck.

"Please, or I'm not paying you."

"Devious, I guess I'm carrying a lawyer to court." She laughed in my neck.

"Fine." She spun me around and gave me a kiss on the lips. I was just seduced just for them to watch a movie.


The movie finished over an hour but I didn't want her to leave, Vea was already sound asleep in her bedroom. I was tired too, I looked up at Imani, I found a spot laying in her lap.

"Stay over." She looked down at me shocked.

"I gotta go." I straddled her waist wrapping my arms around her neck laying on her shoulders. She cupped my ass, feeling all around it.

"Please, I want to finish what we started." I mumbled, I felt shy admitting it. It wasn't everyday I go around admitting I want to fuck. She pulled back on my braids, forcing my head back to look at her.

"Strip." She demanded.


They are about to be getting it on in the next chapter............................... Finally

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