Chapter 6-Now you tell me

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"MOMMY WAKE UP!" Nevea shouted in my ear while jumping and down on my bed.

"Go back to sleep, it's too early." She jumped harder and started giggling.

"Mommy, grandpa is making morning food andddddd he said we can go to the park after."

I launched myself up from the bed to see why the hell my dad was in my apartment. I found him in the kitchen making pancakes while dancing along to Vea's singing in the background.

I glared at him,"Dad why are you here?"

"Can't I see you guys without reason?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes walking to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Dad cut the shit."

"Okay I have something to tell you." he looked back at me.

"Will this ruin my good mood?"

He scratched the back of his neck,"Um depends how you take it. I rolled my eyes then watched him to urge on.

"Okay I would like to tell you at the park."

I laughed while walking past him towards Vea, " So I can't kick you out i'm guessing." I lifted her off the ground waiting for him to say something.

He nodded with a slight smile, " That and Vea wants to go run around."

"I don't run around like an animal, I play." she crossed her arms.

"Yeah sure, but I'm driving."


We sat there on a bench staring at Vea play on the monkey bars in silence.

He cleared his throat, " I have a girlfriend." My neck snapped towards him.

"You have a what-

"I have a-

"- I fucking heard you."I said not breaking eye contact.

"Since when?" I sighed with defeat. He chuckled then glanced over at the nearby pond.

He sighed, " For about a year now and I think I'm ready to take it to the next step." I stared at the side of his head in disbelief.

"Fucking hell Roman, and now you tell me." scoffing with crossed arms. He watched me with an emotionless face. At Least I know where stand in his life.

"When can I meet her?"

"I don't know, she isn't keen on the idea of meeting my kid." He half whispered.

"She sounds like a dumb bitch." I heard some movement coming from my side and I ignored it.

" Mommy who dumb bitch?" Vea questioned with her head tilted.

"Nobody baby, we're leaving, tell your grandad goodbye."

"Bye grandad!!" She shouted while hugging him.

He smiled, " Bye Bye princess." I rolled my eyes while reaching out to grab her hand. Her small hand gripped my hand as we walked back to the car.

"You hungry nugget?"

She nodded while trying to buckle her car seat belt. I reached back and fastendd it for her while giggling at her attempt. We pulled into the nearest Mc donald's to get some lunch. I parked the car and took her out and headed into the fast food restaurant. After we ordered our happy meals because Vea insisted that I get one so she can have two of the minion toys.


Sitting on couch with Vea curled up sleeping in my arms, I heard knocking and shouting meaning my bestfriends are out there arguing over some dumb shit. I got up off the couch as well as picking up Vea in my arms to put to bed.

I walked to the door with a sleeping four year old snuggled into my neck sleeping soundly, I opened the door to hear the voices getting louder. They both saw Vea in my arms and shut their mouths immediately.

"Yes, How can I help you idiots?" I whispered and pointed my head to Vea. They took the hint and walked inside the apartment. They looked around as if it was their first time here. I rolled my eyes and closed the door then headed to the Vegas room at the end of the hallway. I tucked her in with a kiss on the head and sat on the bed admiring her soft features. The world doesn't deserve such a pure soul. I walked out, as soon as I made it to the idiots they stared at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I said while touching my face.

"No you're still a ugly bitch, it's just this place is niceeeee." Vira corrected while gawking over the view from the windows.

"OKAY LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED." Vani's voice boomed off the wall. Vira and I both shushed him.

I rolled my eyes, " There is no damn party starting Vani, I need to go to sleep early for my new job remember." They both pouted.

"Oh my gosh nooooo stop, get out!" I stood there pointing towards the door as they walked out with her head hanging low. I kinda feel bad. They stood outside the door watching me with pleading eyes.

"Okay what if we stay up for one-." I cut Vani off by closing the door in their faces. I heard them groan on the other side. I looked through the peephole and saw them mumbling.

Vira shouted, " You're a bitch Xae, we're coming back tomorrow!" I saw her flip me off while walking away. Gosh I'm gonna sell them I swear.


I woke to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears, I groggily turned over to shut it off when I felt a tiny warm body. When did she? How didn't I notice? Ugh it's too early for this shit already, I took my phone off the nightstand then I saw the time 8:40am. Fuck! I shook Vea's body to wake her up., "Vea baby wake up, we gotta hurry." How the fuck did I oversleep, wait that's the alarm to tell me I need to leave the house.

Vea finally got up and I went to get her ready before myself. We finally got out of the house 15 minutes later than we supposed to, reason being we couldn't find her shoe. So after dropping her off at daycare it's now 9:50am now I'm speeding to reach on time for 10:00 am. What a great first day, it can't get worse than this.

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