Chapter 5- Prissy Posh Bitch

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It's the last week until I fully prove myself worthy of the deal. Leah has been checking up on me constantly. Not gonna lie its annoying as fuck that I actually blocked her once and unblocked her after a couple of days. So that was a whole lecture about something I don't really remember.

But now I'm on my shift at the front waiting for someone to come in and buy some tech. At Least Eli has backed off and isn't bothering me anymore, still it makes me uneasy. I'm staring at my phone texting one of my college friends David about an assignment we had that he didn't understand.

 Honestly I think he's playing since he's like the smartest person in the class. I think he tryna in get in my pants but too bad i'm a raging homosexual. The bell for the door rings as still texting David. Knowing Vira it's probably just her trying to scare me again. I feel someone staring at me but ignore the feeling yet the feeling is just intensifying.

I put on a fake smile and glance up to see a beautiful woman staring straight daggers into my face. She was hovering over height by at least 4 inches and I'm 5"7 and when I mean this bitch is tall. Her brunette hair is slicked back and her brown eyes can burn fires in them, her red lipstick is perfectly applied to every corner. The pantsuit outlines every last one of her curves. She raises one of her arched eyebrows and I almost choke on my spit from her intimidating stare. I regained my composure, " Good Afternoon, welcome to Every Gadget."

She rolls her eyes and coldy says," I sent my computer to be fixed here a week ago, where is it?" This bitch really thinks it can be fixed in a week.

I roll my eyes back, " Your computer is not ready as yet ma'am."

"I want my computer now," she demanded.

I sighed trying to keep my cool, " Ma'am your computer is not ready as yet but we can give you a call when it is finished."

"I want my computer now or else." She hissed coldly looking me up and down like I was gum underneath her shoe.

I sighed, " Or else what, it's either you ] listen to me or get the fuck out with your broken computer, if not then we'll call you when it's done."I stared at her meaning every word I said.

I could see her fuse about to pop off. I heard the back door of the office open and out came Vira's uncle Jack.

"Hello, how can I help you?" he asked.

"Your foolish incompetent worker doesn't understand how to listen to instructions." she growled

"Do I look like a damn dog to you lady? And i'm not an incompetent worker you stuck up prissy posh bitch. You just lack the brain cells to listen to a damn sentence!" I spat.

"Yeah I'm a prissy posh bitch, but still the one with money here and you're supposed to be assisting me but yet you can't understand a simple sentence." She retorted.

I looked at her getting ready to pounce on this bitch but she just walked out the store.


It's graduation day and fuck i'm scared. I looked at my white knee height dress one more time before heading out of my room. I saw Vea there in her matching dress playing with her barbies. She looked up towards me and gasped.

"Mommy you're pretty." She beamed. Well thank you for getting confidence up. I grabbed my gown,cap, and purse while gesturing to Vea. It's time to go. She held my hand until we separated as we got to the car.

"Vea?" I glanced back to the back seat to see she had passed out in a short 20 minute drive. Well so much so keeping the gown crisp, I slipped on my gown and cap then unbuckled Vea. As I walked to the field where the ceremony was being held my nerves were filled with anxiety. I saw my dad being escorted to the seats reserved for family, I walked up to him although we weren't on the best of terms it still meant a lot he was here.

"Hey dad, Vea is sleeping so don't wake her up until they're passing out the diplomas else she's gonna be moody." He took her in his arms while looking me head to toe with approval.

"Okay pumpkin also I'm proud of you, oh and I love you so much." He gushed. I watched him in awe accompanied by a big smile. I am ready.

The ceremony was long, not to mention I wasn't even next to my friends to keep me entertained. I was caught off guard when I heard my name being called. I walked up the stage, and looked over at the crowd to see my dad and Vea with smiles on their faces and I heard my noisey friend screaming my name.

I chuckled whilst rolling my eyes then grabbing my certificate. The diplomas were being passed out then I heard the Dean say, "Shivani Evi." The screaming was deafening but it was worth it seeing my best friend succeeding.

After some time I heard the dean call out, "Avira Jackson." All the jocks were whopping while watching her walk on stage elegantly, I almost shed a tear seeing my best friends. Eventually the ceremony finished, I gathered in a circle with my friends arguing about where we were getting food. I felt tiny arms hug from behind, instantly I knew it was my favorite human followed by my dad.

"Hey hun I gotta go into work sorry I can't make it to lunch." he apologized. His phone rang right after and he walked away. I sighed. We agreed on going to some authentic Chinese place. When we arrived there weren't many people there and that somehow excited my friends to be loud. Vea was there entertaining herself while the food was being prepared, by this point I had enough of Vani's constant complaining about the food taking long.

"Hey guys i'm going to the bathroom real quickly, do you need to pee V?" All of them said no at the same time causing me to roll my eyes. They knew who I was referring to. I walked in the bathroom smiling from my little family.

I walked into the apartment with a sleeping vea in my arms. I walked into her strawberry scented room, changed her and set her down in her bed. She's adorable when she sleeps. I gave her a kiss on the forehead then headed out to grab myself a glass of wine. What a great day.


Well long story short I got fired via phone call but I still got the job from proving myself to Leah and I'm starting next week.

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