Chapter 30-It's been too long

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Imani's POV

I walked in the corridor leading up to Xaela's room, I was nervous. What if I got in there and she's dead or is dying. I can't handle that right now, she needs to raise her daughter. I stood at the door hearing muffled voices, I sighed with my fist hovering over the door. I'm guessing that it was the doctors talking on the other side.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door

Xaela's POV

"Okay Miss chef lady, your chicken was unseasoned and dry as fuck but because i'm black I'll help you. I mean I know you're cooking for people with high blood pressure and shit but a little salt ain't gon send them into cardiac arrest."

"Yes Miss Cohen, is that all you called me up here for?" I heard a hit of irritation in her voice, not my fault they chicken was a pasty white and tasted like cardboard. I waved her off and heard her mumble 'bitch'.

"I might be a in hospital bed but I can still fuck you up." She was about to turn around when I started blabbering again.

"Aht don't look back I might turn into stone Medusa looking a-." The door burst open and I saw the woman I loved.

Imani walked over to me in disbelief, she gently touched my face as if I would shatter under her touch, "Oh my love, please don't ever leave me again." She hugged me tightly, I closed my eyes savoring the touch I've longed for the most. My heart monitor sped up as I melted into her warm embrace.

Vea came into the room right after her, "Mommy, you up. Mani doesn't cook as good." Vea whispered the last sentence in my ear, I giggled. My throat still felt really dry and scratchy. I smiled at her, she got a little taller.

"Oh baby, you lost a tooth, let's hope it grows back before Christmas. Wait, what's today's date?" Imani took out her phone and gave it to me when a message popped up from a girl named Tracey M. It read 'Are you coming tomorrow?'. I raised my eyebrows and shoved the phone back into her chest.

"Thanks." I coldly said whilst looking her up and down, I continued talking to my daughter happily when Imani walked out of the room and her parents stepped in, my face must've held immense shock because they both laughed.

"Hello Xaela, how are you?"  Cecilla aka Mrs Parker asked me with sincerity in her voice

"Hello Mrs Cohen, i'm alright thanks for aski-" Vira barged and Vani into the room mid sentence, tears came in my eyes.

"-Bitch you're awake, finally. I missed you so much." She cried into my shoulder, her body halfway onto my bed. I rubbed her back when I finally looked over at Vani, he was crying also.

"Come here you pussy." He came to the other side giving me a huge hug, I never stopped to think how hard this was on them since I woke up a couple hours ago. We stayed like this until I remembered other people were in the room, Vira's eyes were bloodshot and Vani was still trying to pretend he wasn't crying. I rolled my eyes and looked over at the chair where my toddler sat watching sponge bob.

I guess Imani's parents left during our cry session, not surprising they looked a little uncomfortable. I looked through the window outlooking the hallway, Imani stood there on the phone. I rolled my eyes sucking my teeth, must be that Tracey whore. Vira cradled Nevea in her arms as if she hasn't seen her in forever.

I scrunch my eyebrows, "Vira, why are you smothering my kid." She turned to me after giving Vea a whole set of kisses on her chubby cheeks.

"I haven't seen her since you got, you know, shot." She covered Vea's ears when she said 'shot', this just deepened my confusion.

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