Chapter 9- Sleepovers

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I rolled my eyes, she added her address into the gps then sighed. When we got to her building, it was beyond dark and I was tired along with Vea. She climbed out then came to the driver's window.

"Do you guys wanna stay the night? I can see you're tired plus Vea is already asleep and I don't want you getting in a crash or something. Not that I care. But I care for Vea's safety." She rambled on some more.

"Okay we'll stay, only because of Vea's safety." She nodded her head then went to the back to take out Vea. I watched as she held Vea in her arms and her bag on her shoulder. The butterflies came again.

When we got to her penthouse Vea woke up complaining she's hungry. Imani decided to make some dinner for us while I gave Vea a bath.

"Mommy I like her." She giggled. I took her out of the tub and got her spare change of clothes from her bag. I walked out in the kitchen with my wet shirt clinging to my body from Vea wetting me.

 Vea ran off to go watch the tv that Imani put on for her. Imani noticed me walking out and we made eye contact for a brief second before her eyes trailed over my body.

"Eyes up here Ms Parker." I smirked. Imani cleared her throat then turned into her emotionless face again, " Can I borrow some clothes, I only pack extra clothes for Vea in her backpack." I mumbled.

"Sure, cut this for me until I get back." I went up to the cutting board and began to chop the parsley.

"Here." I jumped and sliced my finger from the sound of her voice startling me.

"Fuck!" I hissed while holding my finger that got hurt and started to bleed. Imani turned off the stove behind me then grabbed my wrist dragging me over to the sink. She turned the water on the cut and I groaned.

"I gotta wrap it up, okay?" she whispered while drying my hand tenderly. She went and came back with a first aid kit. She gently wrapped my finger, " Is it too tight?"

"No it just stings like a bitch." I mumbled. She leaned down and kissed my bandaged finger.

"Does that help?" She whispered.

"Maybe." I started to giggle. She finished making dinner and I went to take shower trying not to wet my bandage which I failed to do. I came out snuggled up in Imani's clothes which consisted of an oversized tee shirt with short pajama bottoms which were extra short and also tight.

 I walked in while Vea was eating shrimp alfredo. I stood there leaning on the wall watching Vea struggle with getting off the shell but l as soon as I was about to step in Imani went and showed her.

I felt warm and cozy on the inside, so I decided to walk out and join them. I sat on the table hearing Vea talk about her day at school. I was gazing out the window while Imani was intently listening to Vea with a smile on her face.

After some time Vea finally got tired of watching Frozen while snuggling on the couch with Imani and fell asleep on her lap. Soon after Imani fell asleep too, now I was the only one awake. 

I looked over at them, snapping a picture before I woke them up to go to bed. I still don't know where I'll be sleeping. I gently shook Imani, " Imani wake up."

"No five more minutes." she grumbled.

"Imani my cut is bleeding again." This time she woke up wide eyed.

"Let me see." She said sternly, grabbing my hand.

"I lied, though it still hurts but Vea needs to be tucked in." Imani nodded then led us down the hall to a spare bedroom. She tucked Vea in and turned off the light. I was getting ready to go to sleep with Vea when Imani held my arm.

"If you go back in there you'll wake her."

"Okay, where will I sleep?" I questioned.

"In my bed, I'll take the couch." she whispered trying not to wake Vea

"I can't kick you out of your bed Imani, just sleep in the bed with me. I'm not gonna suffocate you in your sleep, well maybe not."

She nodded, " I wouldn't hold it against you, I'm not the nicest." She began to walk towards the master bedroom and I followed behind like a lost puppy.

She turned around, " Pick a side." I went over to the right side overlooking the city. I got under the covers rolling on my side to see out the window.

"Goodnight Imani and thank you for letting us stay." I whispered in the dark of the night.

"Goodnight Ms Cohen."


I woke up the next morning on top of something comfortable, I snuggled closer along with wrapping my arms tighter around it.

"I thought you said you wouldn't suffocate me." she mumbled.

"Shut up and let me sleep pillow." I nuzzled my face into the pillow's neck. Wait pillows don't have necks. I shot up from the position almost falling off the bed, "I'm sorry, I should've known pillows don't talk or have-" I rambled

"Good Morning to you Ms Cohen." She chuckled.

"Shit I was snuggling with my boss, fuck. Sorry." I started to get up off the bed only to be pulled back down.

"It's okay I enjoyed snuggling with you." She whispered mostly to herself but I heard. I was beyond speechless.

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