Chapter 12-He's back

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Well I had to find a way to separate them the whole lunch , Vira was constantly glaring at Imani. Vira was distracted most of the time by Leah which is pretty weird knowing that they don't know each other that well. Imani was in her own world with Vea sitting on lap and I was a lone wolf enjoying the company.

"Hey Vea baby, we gotta go home." I smiled at my toddler who now had a frown.

"Mommy I wanna stay with Mani." Vea crossed her arms. Imani looked pretty proud of her standing up to me.

"Nugget, mommy has things to do."

Vea sadly looked down; sliding off of Imani's lap over to me, "Okay mommy."

"Hey princess, what if next week you come to my office and we'll play with all the toys I have." Imani tried to cheer her up. I know for fact Imani has no toys in her office so it's either he's bluffing my daughter or is gonna conjure up some toys.

"Mommy can we go pleaseeeee?" Vea begged me.

"I mean if she has no problem." I looked at Imani and she smiled at me. Ugh my nugget is draining all the evil from this woman. I walked out the restaurant behind Vira holding Vea in her arms, this is the cutest sight. I was pulled aside in an alleyway by a strong grip.

"Well hello there sexy." said the groggy voice. I know that voice all too well, "Aren't you happy to see me sexy."

I shook off Eli's touch, " What do you want Eli?"

"I want my favor granted Xaela"

"What favor Eli?" I watched him disgusted.

"You know what it is sexy." I turned to walk away but I was now pressed up against the cold brick wall.

"Unhand me Eli, before you regret-" A hard slap to my face stopped me from finishing my sentence.

"Watch your mouth, pretty girl." He whispered in my ear. He knew my mom used to call me that all the time. I felt my face stinging and burning , I knew it was gonna swell later and it made my hatred for this grow beyond the clouds. I felt my phone in my pocket vibrating, I knew it was Vira wanting to know where I was.

I punched him so hard he stumbled a bit, "I told you to unhand me, fucking prick." I took that chance to run, I felt the tears streaming down my face. I got far enough away from but I knew he was still following me somehow, I can't go home especially with Vea. I pulled out my phone seeing 5 missed calls from Vira. I

I dialed her number, he picked up after the second ring, "Where the hell are you, your kid is crying her eyes out."

My voice cracked, " Please take Vea home for me and watch her tonight, I-I can't um go with you guys, he's following me Vira. He's back and has gotten worse."

I felt her hesitation through the phone, " Xae go back to the restaurant, I'm sure Imani is still there, just stay with her tonight or just go somewhere safe please." I heard the car start from over the phone. "Please stay safe."

I mumbled a okay and began to walk back to the restaurant through a different route. I looked inside to still see Imani and Leah still sitting at their table. I walked up to them seeing Leah looked up first.

"Hey, what's wrong? Where's Avira and Vea?" This caused Imani to look up at me with concern written in detail all over her face.

"They went home."

"Without you?" Imani skeptically asked. I heard his voice in the distance. Shit he saw me come in here. I sat down next to them closer to Imani, he made his way over to the table after spotting me.

"Hey there Xae Xae, I need to speak with you about something." he smiled innocently at me; I saw straight through his facade.

"Sorry, who are you?" Imani cooly asked him.

"Oh I'm her dad's friend, so kinda like an uncle to her." he smiled sweetly.

"Okay? We're having a meeting right now so no you can't speak to her." Imani glared at him.

He walked away and I sighed out of relief, I knew this was far from over. I asked Imani to take me home but she insisted she wasn't going to allow me to go home in this state for Vea to be worried.

I was silent the entire ride to her penthouse, I knew he could tell that he was way more than my 'dad's friend or uncle to me'. She went to law school for a reason to be able to tell types of stuff like this. She led me up to her penthouse in silence. I barely got the chance to breathe before she asked, "Who the hell was that?"

I sighed, I'm way too tired for questions right now.

"I asked who the fuck was that Xaela!" she shouted. I jumped at her tone.

"My-my dad's best friend." yep now I was in even deeper shit for that answer and stumbling on my words.

"I think he made that very clear Xaela." she sneered. "Oh and you're staying here tonight, you look like you've been run over."

"Well thanks for boosting my confidence." I mumbled.

"This isn't the time for your fucking comebacks, little girl."

"How old are you even calling me a little girl? You're probably barely 29."

"Well thank you for the compliment but I'm 35."she walked to the kitchen while I sat on the couch facing away from it.

"Well good for you then." I retorted. I didn't even hear walked behind me. I just felt a warm hand around my throat gripping it roughly.

"Watch your mouth when speaking to me." she whispered seductively in my ear making me shiver under her touch. I couldn't even respond and I wouldn't dare. 

"Can't speak now huh." she scoffed letting go of my throat.


I barely spoke for the rest of the night. Eventually after eating the dinner she ordered, we sat on the couch watching a movie and I soon fell fast asleep. During my slumber I felt a warm pair of hands pick me up, placing me on a comfy bed. 

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