Chapter 24- Morning after

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The excitement coursed through my veins as I guided Imani to my room. She took my phone and turned on some music on my speaker in my room. I heard  'Jupiter love' by Trey Songz started playing.  I slowly started to peel away my clothes watching, I turned around facing Imani being met by her lust filled eyes.

She took her time to scan over my almost naked body. The only pieces of clothing left on me was a red panty and bra set. Her gaze made me want to cover myself so badly, all the confidence I previously had oozed away.

" You're absolutely breathtaking." This reassured me just a bit but not enough for me not to be nervous. She slowly traced her finger on my jaw moving to my breasts.

An evil smirk plastered itself on her face, " I'm gonna have so much fun with you, go lay on the bed for me." I did exactly as she asked, I've never felt so out of control. I pushed myself up on my elbows watching her strip down to black lingerie. I bit my lip at the sight.

She climbed on top of me, pinning my arms above my head. She leaned in to roughly capture my lip, pulling my plump bottom lip before releasing it. I could feel my clit starting to throb making me wet.

She dragged her teeth over my pulse point biting harshly, I whimpered lowly. She lazily kissed her way down the valley of my breasts. Then gilded her fingers across my covered nipples, making them grow hard at contact.

I groaned, The pulse between my legs aching, the amount of sensitivity made it hurt with each beat.

" Imani just just stop fucking playing and hurry the fuck-" I didn't get to finish my complaining before a slap echoed in the room, a stinging pain invaded my cheek.

"Little girl, watch your mouth." Tears pricked my eyes, Imani sadistically smiled at me, I looked at anything in the dimly lit room instead of her taunting hazel eyes. She removed her other hand from the top of my head, with a glare daring me to shift my hands in any way.

Her hands reached behind me in a swift motion unclasping my bra, the cold air hit my nipples causing them to harden. The way her eyes were in daze watching them, all the confidence I had earlier drained from me. She skillfully sucked and nipped at my nipple while her other fondled with the other.

I bit on my lip trying to conceal a moan, failing miserably, a pressure built its way in my abdomen. I already felt as if I was on the verge of cumming. My breathing became heavy as she planted sloppy kisses going down my stomach. One of her fingers hooked at the hem of my panties, gradually easing it down.

She moaned at the sight of my wetness, "Dirty little girl." Her finger trickled from my clit to my labia, " Want me to touch you?" I nodded my head, I needed a release so badly.

"Beg me."

" I don't beg." I said breathlessly, this statement seemed upset more than it should've. She gripped my throat harshly, cutting off all airflow to my lungs.

"Beg, or you don't breathe." I started seeing little specks lighting up and my head started to tingle yet the butterflies in my stomach was all I felt. I gasped for air, any longer and I might pass out.

"Please." It was barely muttered, her grasp loosened on my neck, three fingers were thrusted into my tight hole, I screamed out in pain. The suddenness of her movement hardly gave me time to prepare myself.

Her tongue drew patterns on my clit as she moved her fingers deeply in me. My mind was scattered all over the place, her fingers curled hitting all the right places.

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