Chapter 32-A twist on Saturday

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The long-awaited chapter.

Comment and voteeee. Im tryna see a lot have some comments to read but do enjoy.


Imani's POV

"Imani Mase Parker!" I heard Xaela's voice echoed throughout our room. I walked out the bathroom with my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth. I grabbed the nearest hair, pulling my loose hair into a lopsided bun.

"Ew, why do you look like that?" I rolled my eyes, urging her to tell me why shouted my whole name.

"How can I help you?" I attempted to say with my mouth filled with my toothpaste, she giggled at me then tapped my cheek causing the toothpaste to choke me.

I rushed back to the sinking, finishing the process of brushing my teeth in a hurry, this girl will be the death of me.


"Can you watch Vea for a couple of hours? My dad decided he wanted to start being good after my near death experience." She shrugged nonchalantly, like she didn't leave me for months on end trying to keep myself together.

"If you're going to call it that just stop speaking about it but sure I'll take care of my princess." Her eyes showed relief after my statement.

"Thank you so much, I'll repay you in the best way possible." A smile tugged at my lips as I stalked towards her, making her back hit the wall. She wrapped her arms around my neck bringing my head closer to her face.

I leaned my head down her ear, " May I ask what the payment will be?" She turns her head to the side giving me more access as I kiss down her neck.

"No, you prissy bitch." She pulled back from me, giggling as she jumped on the bed trying to get away from me, I'll admit she's a little fast. I chased her around the room before clutching onto her waist pulling her against me.

I smothered her cheeks with kisses, "Have a good time with your dad my love." I felt her smile through my kisses.

"I'll try to, babe."

Vea sat in my arms, as we watched Xaela get the last of her stuff.

She walked up to us giving Vea a kiss on forehead and cheeks," I'll see you late my baby, be good for your mama." She gave me a kiss on my lips before turning around to leave.

"Wait." She swiftly turned around waiting for me to say something, I walked to her tucking a curl that fell out of puff behind her ear.

She blushed at my gesture, " I love you guys." She then walked out the door leaving me and my princess to have an activity field day.

"What are we doing first princess?"


We were now playing Barbie's on the carpet in her room with her huge dollhouse we got her a couple weeks ago. After we came home from her gymnastics practice, she made a bet that she could do a backbend then a cartwheel. We weren't sure about trying things like that at home where there are hardwood floors and many glass things but went with it.

She flawlessly did her end of the bet and we had to pay up the debt we owed her. It was a heartwarming experience to see her face light off with pure joy and excitement when we were at the counter paying.

It was hell to set up, Xaela and I got into a very heated argument over what type of screw it was and what went where, lucky Vea was at school.


" Are you fucking stupid? Hmm?" She shouted at me.

"Don't let your insolence get ahead of you, twat." I folded my arms, there was no I was going to lose this argument, I'm a lawyer for heaven's sake.

"It. Is.A. Fucking. Flathead screw that goes here." I threw my hands in the air.

"Can you not read, it said use the most suitable screw."

"Duhhhh, that's why I said flathead. Dummy." She whispered the last part but I heard her, it did not help that we both coincidently on our periods.

"Did you not hear when I repeatedly said a philips head is more secure?"

"No, I didn't. All I heard was some bitch that didn't know what she was talking about." She stubbornly rolled her eyes at me.

"End of Flashback*

That argument lasted for about an hour, I inevitably won. Mostly because I promised to get her some cheesecake. I looked down at Vea who clung onto me like a koala, it was around 1 pm. I made some pancakes for breakfast that I knew would keep her full until about 3pm.

It was an eventful Saturday, it ranged from playing barbie's to hide and seek. She is quite a good hider but not better than I am a seeker.

I looked back at the Tv which played 'Ariel', it was quite a fascinating movie to say the least. I didn't realize that Disney has animal characters that talk until I had a toddler around. My favorite one was Sebastian, he reminded me of Leah.

My ringtone rang throughout the living room, I got off the couch slowly trying not to wake my munchkin. It was a call from the devil herself, Leah.

"Yes, Miss Payton." I whispered.

"Why are we whispering?" She whispered back at me.

"You don't have to whisper, I have a sleeping child on me." I eased my body back onto the couch, Vea shifted her head.

"Fuckkkk." I muttered.

"What happened?" I sighed in relief that she was just turning her head to the opposite side.

"Get off my phone or get to the point." I grumbled.

"Oh yeah, how well do you know Vea's teacher?" I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion, why on earth would she need to know that.

"Uh, well enough that she flirts with me every time I pick up Vea." She went on rambling how, she was sitting in a restaurant with her date and she saw Mrs. Teale goes up to Xaela. It was very unnecessary but a certain part of her story made my blood boil.

She said she was continuously looking at her phone then over at a man wearing all black like they were communicating somehow.

While she was finishing up her story a feminine voice was heard in the background, it sounded so close to Xaela's blond loud friend.

I doubt it.

I couldn't even remember her name but it wasn't important as Xaela could be in some sort of danger.


Do you guys think the girl in the background is Vira???



maybe not

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