Chapter 11-Don't run off

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I walked through the endless halls of our home to go meet my mom in the toy room. I skipped along the hallways meeting my very pink door that is marked Xae's playhouse. I barged open the door, seeing my mother already having my dollhouse out waiting for me. I ran over to her and have a bear hug.

She smiled lopsided at me, "Hey pretty girl." I always loved that nickname

"Hi pretty woman." She picked up my favorite doll and handed it to me.

Hours passed of us just playing and giggling about our made up doll stories. Mama told me she had to go work, she walked me to my room and tucked me into my bed. She gave me my nightly forehead kiss.

"I'll always love you pretty girl, but right now I can't." She smiled down at me with teary eyes.

"I love you too, pretty mommy, can we play barbies tomorrow too?" I rubbed my warm eyelids waiting for her answer.

" Tomorrow is a different day with different events." She gave me one last kiss then walked and shut my door. I don't understand what she means by that.

'end of dream'

I woke up drenched in sweat. I rushed to take a shower, I crouched on the shower floor crying my eyes out. Who does that to their kid with no explanation. Some shuffling came from my room, I stood up getting ready to beat the shit out of the intruder. 

I hurriedly wiped my eyes while putting my towel around myself, maybe too quickly. I ran out of my bathroom into my room to see Avira on my bed in my clothes. I felt a cold breeze hit my body. Vira catcalled after me, " Damn girl, you got some nice tits."

I looked at her confused. Shit my towel fell in front of the world's biggest pervert. I walked to the wardrobe to grab my silk robe. I turned around to see Vira's disappointed face staring at my body.

"You're gay is showing Vira. And how the hell did you get in?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I can show anything for you babes annnnddddd I may or may not have bribed your kid through the phone to let me in. So we may or may not be going to the park soon."

I groaned. Today was supposed to be my chill day not going to the park. But it won't hurt to hang out with my daughter and best friend. The park was extremely hot along with running around playing Video and making me sweaty. 

I stopped playing with them for a bit to go sit on a bench while Vira played with her. Besides feeling hot, sweaty, and overall irritated, I was thirsty as hell. Eventually the thirst got the best of me and the two toddlers, including Vira, went to a restaurant nearby for some lunch.

 We sat down by a table with me looking at the menu trying to figure what to give Vea and myself to eat was exhausting enough. But hearing Vea and Vira laugh at their silly conversation made me feel like I was doing a good job raising my little nugget.

"Yes." I whispered

"Mommy what's wrong?"

I didn't even notice that I was rejoicing out loud, " Nothing baby, do you want nuggets and fries for lunch but you gotta have water with it."

" I don't wanna drink water mommy." she whined.

"Why does she have to drink water now?" Vira raised her eyebrow at me.

"She's already having two unhealthy foods paired together and I'm not allowing her to drink sugary juice with it." I smiled at Vira.

"MANIIIII!!" Vea shot up from her seat running, gaining half the restaurant's attention. I immediately ran after her. I came face to face with the PPB herself sitting. I don't even know how Vea spotted her half across the restaurant. When I approached the table seeing Leah sitting across from her smiling and Vea.

"Vea you can't run off like that, I am so sorry, and hi Leah."

Imani picked up the happy toddler and rested her on her lap, bouncing her up and down, " It's okay, I have no problem seeing this pretty girl." Hearing those two words even if it wasn't directed at me sent me into a overwhelmed frenzy of emotions. I just had a nightmare about her, it's starting to get to me.

" Hey um ca-can you keep her for sec I-I need to um yeah." I stuttered. I briskly walked to the bathroom. I leaned over the sink crying my eyes out. I didn't hear the door open. I felt warm arms wrap around me, I thought it was Vira so I cried harder. It was until a Gucci Bloom scent invaded my nose. I knew it wasn't Vira but Imani. I stepped back with a running nose and puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you." I tried wiping my eyes but the tears kept coming.

She embraced me again, "Hey hey it's okay. I'm sorry if I said something stupid." She hugged me even tighter, making me feel even more safe in her arms. She pulled back and stared into my eyes, she took thumbs and wiped away my tears. She went to get a piece of paper towel wetting it in the sink , and she cleaned up my face.

"You shouldn't be doing this, I'm sorry." I apologized again

"Stop apologizing, where is my confident, doesn't give shit about what people think about her, Xaela." She said sincerely

"She really fucking broken right now Imani. I can't let Vea see me like this." I quietly said.

"Then pull your shit together."

"I'll try, thanks." I said finally looking up in her brown eyes. She looked so loving right now and that's all I wanted. Love from anybody. I'll just deem that thought as an intrusive thought cause there ain't no way. I walked out of the bathroom with Imani by my side, I came out to see that Vira is talking to Leah looking pretty mesmerized. While Vea is stuffing her face with nuggets. I guess the food came but I haven't ordered it yet.

"Hey babe, you okay?" Vira asked me, looking through my soul.

"Yeah, did you order the food?"

"Um no-"

"I did, Vea was saying she was hungry. I got a chicken sandwich for you with salad." Imani interrupted her.

"Oh okay, thank you Imani."

"You guys would be a cute ass couple." Vira excitedly said.

I blushed at her comment hoping nobody didn't notice the smile on my face but judging by Imani's laugh she did.

"I'm her boss, I can't mix work and pleasure." She stated.

I snapped my head towards her, I think I heard my neck crack a bit. She knew what she said, I don't know if she was mocking me or.

"You're her what?" Vira stared at her wide eyed, " Oh so you're the bitch I gotta beat up."

"Woah Vira, chill." I tried to hush the raging blond.

Imani looked at Vira amused with a smile playing on her lips. I did not like where this was going.


next chapter is gonna be spicy

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