Chapter 16-She's quite lovely isn't she

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The room door to Vea's and I room opened slowly, it was late and Vea wanted to snuggle with me while watching a movie but she fell asleep. She also wanted us to watch Princess and The Frog after Moana, which happens to be my favorite movie also so I agreed immediately.

We were barely at the halfway mark when she was fast asleep, rough night. She was resting on my breasts seeing as I didn't on a bra but a crop top, the lower parts of my breasts were showing. I looked up in the doorway seeing a stressed and tired woman, she told me quietly to meet her in the kitchen. I nodded my head trying to pry Vea's off, replacing myself with a pillow. When I walked out Imani was leaning on the counter drinking a glass of wine.

"Isn't it too late to be drinking Ms Parker." I uttered at her going to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Never too late to drink away my stress, sorry about tonight, like I'm really sorry." She mumbled.

'Backflash to earlier'

"Hello Mila."

The girl came and took a seat next to me staring Vea down, if she had something to say she should hurry up and say it.

"Who's this?" The girl sassed at Imani who was getting visibly upset.

"None of your business, Mila, how's my mom and dad?" Imani sighed. Isn't that her sister why is she saying her mom and dad, won't it be each of their parents.

"They're fine, they miss you. Now, answer my question."

"This is my assistant and her daughter. Xaela and Nevea."

The girl who's name I didn't remember watched me again but this time closely, "Aren't you a little young to be having a kid."

"No I'm not and I appreciate it, if you kindly minded your own business." I hissed at her. I don't even know her yet she's tryna tell me I can't have a daughter at this age. Ridiculous.

"I'll say whatever I want. Now Imani, don't you not love me anymore. You never call or text me. And then you show up here with some bitch assistant and her brat kid" Mila turned her attention back to her sister.

"Now you listen to me Mila, three things. Don't ever disrespect any of them. Don't fucking come here acting like we're all best buddy sisters. And don't act like you didn't deserve me ignoring you." Imani scolded her, Vea looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She was scared, she never saw outside of the nice Imani.

At that point Imani noticed Vea crying too, " Hey baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Come on let's go." Imani stretched out her hand to pick up Vea but she crawled into my arms, she really scared her. I picked Vea up and walked out of the restaurant, noticing that Imani was just glaring at her sister who had a smug smile on her face. I called the driver to come and pick us to go to the hotel.

'End of flashback'

"It's okay for me but Vea is still scared, she's never been good with arguments unless she's occupied and isn't focusing on it."

"Can I go in there to talk to her?" Imani looked sad, I knew she loved Vea so much and their relationship was always the best.

"She's sleeping, try in the morning." I was starting to walk away when her hand clasped around my wrist, I slowly turned around meeting her glossy brown eyes.

"I'm sorry,"she whispered. Why was this affecting her so bad?

My hands wrapped her torso pulling her into a hug, her arms found its way around my neck pulling closer.

I heard the beat of her heart rhythmically beating as we stood there hugging for minutes upon minutes. I loved every second of it, being an affectionate person and not getting much of the touch you crave really gets to you. This hug was just filling the void in my heart, it looked like it was filling hers too.

"I'm here for you, you know that right? Even if you're not the nicest or brightest crayon in the pack. I'm here." I mumbled into her chest. She pulled away from me, I immediately missed the feeling of her arms wrapped around my body. Was I slut for physical contact, yes, yes I am.

She chuckled, "You're not the nicest either."

I looked down at the ground contemplating whether I should ask her this question, I felt a warm finger come underneath my chin gently pulling it up.

"What is it?" she worriedly whispered

"I really wanna hug and cuddle with you. Wait, forget it, I sound like a timid child. I'll go to bed now." I was about to turn when she said 'I'd like that'. I was flabbergasted, never in my time of knowing her would I have expected that answer. I didn't waste time any longer and jumped into her arms, wrapping my thighs around her waist, nuzzling my head in her neck taking in her shea butter cream she always used. She hugged me and walked to her room.

We were now on her bed in silence, just hugging each other like our whole lives depended on it, my legs were on either side of her body, our fronts pressing on to one another, my head still nuzzled into her neck. She had arms securely enclosed around my lower back. I started to shift causing friction to happen between us.

I heard her suck in a breath, "Xaela don't."

" Sorry, just give me a sec." I whispered in her neck, I started to move again, my back was starting to hurt, I needed to shift just a little to stop it. I moved up a bit, I could feel between my legs starting to throb. Not good. I decided to stop moving and pretended to be sleeping.

I heard her whisper in the darkness of the night, "I'm really falling aren't I." Then she sighed and seemed to fall asleep, she was falling for me as I was falling for her.

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