Chapter 20-Time to go

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Shifting quietly in my seat as Lucas took a seat across from me with Mila hugging his arms. How can she go from a devil to this, my face must've given away my confusion.

Imani nudged my side, "You good?" I turned to the side and gave a fake smile, I turned my face to see the boy watching me. Is it too early to hate him yet. I looked over to see Vea still sound asleep in Imani's arms. As much as she loved Vea, she couldn't hold her forever. I motioned for Imani to give me Vea. This woman actually pouted.

"Give her to me, it's time for her to go to bed."

"Excuse me guys, Xaela and I have to leave." she announced to everyone, her mom and dad both looked sad while her sister watched me with a smile. That bitch, she couldn't wait for me to leave. Imani got up and grabbed our stuff with Vea still in her arms, I was hugging her parents telling them goodbye.

My phone pinged the minute I was walking to the limo, I felt a hand clasp on my shoulder spinning me around.

"Imani it's not time for your games, we gotta g-." Then I saw Mila's face, just as I was about to leave. Of course she would make her way out here to tell me some nonsense.

"Stay away from my sister, and keep that spoiled brat away from her too. If you don't listen to me I'm sure you would've listened to your mommy. But you can't, she left you because she didn't want you."

"So you did some research on me I see, are you that obsessed with Imani's personal life? Or are you just bored with yours, I can see you brought home Lucas for some attention from your parents." I smiled darkly at her, I had it with her.

"At least I have proper parents who stay and pay attention to me and ones that want me. Your dad's whore didn't even want her daughter, and I don't judge her, I wouldn't want her either." she smugly smiled at her comment, I bet she felt so proud of herself.

Too bad, I walked up to my face then landed the hardest punch I could, just as she was down on the ground and Imani coincidentally had to see, she watched her sister then watched me angrily. Fuck.

"What the fuck Xaela, you know I should've known not bring you here, you just seem to fuck everything up don't you." She shouted at me directly in my face, her sister was knocked out. I could care less, she can't shit about my family, especially my daughter. She gets hit.

Both of their parents walked out when they realized their daughter passed with her cheek pink from the punch, her mom was shocked, tending to her daughter's aid while her dad glared at me. Well time for me to go, not sticking around for lecture.

I turned walking towards the limo, I had to get out of here. And from England. It kinda hurt that she didn't even chase after me, I guess I always fuck everything up, guess she isn't wrong.


Never thought being on a flight from England back to Texas would be so short, the shortest 9 hours of my life. I walked in the hallway of my apartment with Vea clinging on to my hand, I honestly didn't know what to tell her, I can't tell her she won't be seeing Imani anymore, it would break her. I unlocked the door taking in the smell of home, I missed it.

Vea ran with her bags to her room saying something about introducing her new barbies to the old ones , toddler things. It was about 8 pm and the airplane snacks weren't going to last forever. I dropped my bags in the room then took a long shower trying to numb myself for the time being.

I knew what I was holding in now is gonna catch up to me but now I need to be okay, only for now. I whipped up some spaghetti and meatballs for us, I honestly wasn't able to cook at all. Vea was eating when we heard a knock on the door. I suspiciously walked to the door into the peeping hole looking through to see my dumb bestfriends. How did they do it?

"Open the door bitch, we know you're there." Vira rolled her eyes jokingly. I opened the door just a little crack to peek my head out.

"I'm sorry, but who are you looking for?" I tried to hold in my smile, they both pulled open the door practically jumping on me.

"God I missed you, you're like only one who has some sort of sense." Vani sighed. Poor thing, Vira probably harassed him.

"Don't ever leave me with him again." Vira side eyed him, damn I wonder what happened. They finally let go of me allowing air to make its way into my lungs. They both walked away from me, well they missed me a lot huh, I sighed and closed my door locking.

I had a hunch they were staying over. They both have clothes here so it's not a problem and I could use their distraction from the gnawing pain at the pit of my stomach. I couldn't let it swallow me.

Vani was eating the bit of food Nevea left in plate, and I'm guessing Vira was cleaning up Vea to put her to bed. She has a good aunty Vira not so much about uncle Vani.

"Vani, did you take that from my child?" I rested my hands on my hips with a questioning look on my face. I knew for fact he asked her for the rest.

"Nope, she just gave it to me." he smiled with sauce on his nose. I just wish I had one child.

We were all chilling on the couch watching some Dynasty. I was laying Vira's lap while she played in my hair, and Vani was laying in my lap. We all had about two glasses of wine, me on my third. They were barely tipsy, I wasn't even feeling anything.

"I don't like Adam, he can suck my dick honestly." Vani grumbled.

"I like his sister though, Fallon can suck this pussy anytime." Vira moaned a little at the end.

"I can do the job for you." I tilted my head to watch Vira, she looked down at me with a smirk.

"I wouldn't mind that, at all." she whispered coming closer to my face, her lips brushing mine, we finally locked lips in a hungry kiss.

"Ya'll gonna make my pussy throb, and I don't have but I sure wish I did. I'm lesbian just for  you guys." Vani sat to watch us, he started laughing, which caused Vira and I to laugh also. It wasn't new for us to kiss. I leaned up and pecked her lips.

We all started to watch the show again, so I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water. I saw my phone on the island, I must've left it there. I opened it up to see no messages from Imani. Kinda though she would be cursing me out for leaving, but she didn't care that much. She said she cared but family comes first, she said she wanted to be there for me.

I sat back on the couch with a fake smile on my face, but they both knew it was fake.

"We know that face, come here let it all out." Vani looked worried. They both wrapped their arms around as I cried my heart, body and soul out. If this is how this adoration is gonna be then I don't want it.

They knew me so well, they even turned on To Be Loved by Adele. It's only then the lyrics really stood out to me. I do wanna be loved and loved at the highest count, but I can't lose anymore. I just can't, I would turn crazy. I needed some sense of normalcy.

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