Chapter 34- Let loose

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And I did go right back in the elevator and left, I wasn't in the mood to deal with Imani's shit right now. I stared at my best friends dancing with each other, we decided it, or more like they decided I needed to have a little fun in my life. According to them I'm too 'responsible and lack fun' I mean I don't blame them for saying that.

I had my teenage years sucked away from me because my father didn't want to take care of his daughter. I honestly wouldn't change it for the world, I loved my baby so much but at times it was so hard to just be normal and try to let loose like all my other friends.

I downed my four shots and joined my friends. I am so fucking drunk right now, I was grinding on Vira and she was holding to my hips.

I heard her scream something at me but I didn't make it out, I just threw her a thumbs-up. I felt her move from behind and immediately felt another presence replace her. I moved up a little trying not to get in the person's space although they were all up in mine.

"You're a very beautiful girl." The person whispered in my ear, it's a she.

I turned around and faced her only having to look up at the mystery woman, "Thank you, stranger danger." I giggled as she smiled. I couldn't make out her features but she looked pretty. She looked a little too formal to be in a club though.

Why am I seeing so many women in pantsuits? I mean I'm not complaining but it's weird.

"You should come to my place and put all that energy to use."

Bold lady.

I smiled looking up seductively and wrapped my arms around her neck bringing her closer as she did the same with my waist, "I'm not a fucking prostitute." I unwrapped my hands from around her neck and smiled and disappeared into the crowd looking for my friends.

I felt an arm pull me, "Girl where have you been, I've been looking for you."

I looked at my best friend confused, "Huh." She lazily rolled her eyes.

"It's time to go home, you're a lil too off the edge." I titled my head and her and crossed my arms.

"According to my smarts I don't think I have surpassed the level of toxicity I want, I have yet to be fully inebriated."

"Yeah mhm let's go, Vani is waiting outside." I pouted at her before following her outside.


"Girl wake up, we're here." I groned in my sleep and everything still felt like it was spinning.

I'm not drunk.

I'm not drunk.

I am not drunk.

I opened my eyes to see everything was mildly blurry, maybe I am a little.

"Call Imani to come help us."

"Mmm no I don't wanna see her dumbass prefectly fucking symetrycal face right now, I can do it." I opened the door trying to seem as sober as I could, they both watched eachother and hummed in response.

"Let's walk her to the elevator at least."

They both walked me to the elevator and Vani kissed my forehead goodnight and Vira gave a little smack on the butt. I stepped into the elevator smiling like a goof.

I love them so much.

As the elevator opened I walked into the dimly lit apartment, she must've went to sleep. I walked over the fridge more like I stumbled to get some water.

I sipped my water mumbling to myself, " Drop the attitude Xaela, do this Xaela, stop that Xaela, like shut the fuck up you not the boss of me. I mean you were but now you're not, wanna employ that stupid uneven eyed bitch."

"You are just so goddamn childish." Her annoying voice said lowly.

See, vampire.

"You want a cookie for your observation?" I sucked my teeth at her and her footsteps came closer, I know she loves me and always wants to be next to me. She pressed her body behind me and placed her arms on the counter.

I felt so hot.

Got to be the alcohol.

"I can smell another woman's perfume on you Miss Cohens."

My stomach started doing backflips, fuck I'm a brave girl I should not be nervous right now.

"It's Vira's." I lied.

"Don't lie to me." She says sternly in my ear.

I turned around to look her in her eyes, "I fucked somebody else."

" I know you didn't, you're too attached to me." My eyebrows instantly scrunched, such a fucking narcissist.

" Maybe I should've." I mumbled.

She leaned to my ear, "You're mine Xaela, whether you like it or not and you'll always be mine."

I sighed knowing she was right, hearing her say that made heat spread throughout my body. I leaned up and started nipping and kissing at her neck. Her breath hitched in her throat.

Her long finger gripped my throat and forced me to look up at her for the second time tonight, this time I didn't feel anger while looking at her but pure want and desperation for her to touch me.

"Please baby, I need you." She paused to look at me, taking in my neediness. She squeezed my throat tighter.

"All you had to say, little girl."


Short IKKKK butttttt the next chap I have lil freaky smt planned

I love you gay sluts

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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