Chapter 14-Private jet

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"Mommy, where is monkey? I can't find him." Vea had tears in her eyes pouting. I knew for a fact Imani is gonna be upset with me, the driver is already outside. This kid is gonna be the death of me.

"Nugget, we can get you a new bigger monkey." I tried to calm her down.

"No, I want monkey." she said crying. Gosh now she was in tears. I turned around to go head in her room to look for the monkey, only to hear pounding on my door. I'm fucked. I picked up Vea to try and calm her down while I opened the door.

"Xaela we need to fucking g-"

I cut her off, " Imani I do not need your shit right now. I have a crying toddler and I'm looking for a stuffed monkey so don't start." She looked shocked at my outburst. She stretched out her arms to take Vea, " I'll carry the bags and Vea down, you have 10 minutes."

I sucked my teeth. Unbelievable she is.


I walked to limo, sweaty with a stupid stuffed toy in my hand. It only took me five minutes so I hope she's happy. The driver opened the door and I was hit with the cold ac. Refreshing. Vea laid on Imani's lap still sniffling while Imani rocked her, rubbing her back. It was a cute sight to see but I wasn't in the mood. The trip hadn't even started ,yet I was ready to go back home.

After driving for some time, we got through security and we were now waiting in a first class lounge with some other rich snobs. I was a little uncomfortable ,these people are watching me with a weird look on their faces, something along the lines of not belonging there, racist if you ask me. Imani hasn't talked to me much either except if Vea needs something.

Vea walked up to me sad with a sad pout on her face, she was mad about something.

"What's wrong little nugget?" I scooped her in my arms, smoothing her little baby hairs down.

"Mani said she has to go on the phone with somebody."

Not gonna lie, I kinda feel jealous. She's only here with me since Imani is the phone, it's tough being her second choice. She's still my little nugget though, I can't be mad.

Vea yawned, "Mommy I'm tired." It was sooner or later before she got tired. She curled up in my arms laying down on my breast, one hand in her mouth and the other in my shirt resting on my right boob. I leaned back in the lounge chair getting cozy with her.

I felt somebody resting a blanket on us, Imani. She probably thought I was sleeping. I opened my eyes looking down at my baby's angelic face.

"Um Xaela, the private jet is ready."

I glanced up in confusion, "Private jet?"

"Yeah, they were fueling up and they're ready so get up let's go."

"Oh alright." The tension or whatever this is, it's starting to suffocate me.


Since we got on the jet, no words have been spoken, only the continuous sound of the engines were to be heard. I was bored and Vea was asleep in the bedroom at the back. The air from the jet was making my nose dry, I knew it was about to bleed. I shuffled around trying to pry a blanket off of me to get to the bathroom.

Imani's voice came from behind me, " Where are you going?"

" Oh don't mind me, I'm casually opening the door and jumping out." I rolled my eyes at her stupid question. When did she start caring?


"Yeah real fucking funny until I do it for real." I grumbled opening the door for the medium sized bathroom. White marble floors caught my attention, shit she really got money huh. I leaned my back against the door, how am I supposed to get through two weeks of this.

I slumped back in the comfortable leather seat looking out the window at the blue ocean. I wonder how it feels to be a fish. Just swimming and swimming until you get tired of swimming. It's how I feel sometimes. I'm swimming even though I'm tired and want to sink to the bottom but I can't. Vea needs me, she needs a mom. I will do everything in my power to see she has one. I closed my eyes, just a quick nap.

"Mommy, wake upppp. I want a snack."

I groaned, now was not the time. I felt nauseous and my stomach was cramping, fuck. I went to the bathroom to check if I needed a pad which I didn't thank the period gods, But I knew it was gonna come by tomorrow morning. It wasn't supposed to come until next week, well that explains why I was upset during this week. I lazily walked out the bathroom after washing my hands to go get her a snack from the little kitchen area on the plane, I searched through most of the cabinets only finding alcohol and snacks Vea would never eat in her lifetime.

"What are you looking for? A gun to shoot me." I glanced over my shoulder to see a smirking Imani. She knew what I was looking for because Vea asked the both of us.

" I won't look for something I already have." I smiled smugly at her.

"Hm, the snacks Vea would like are at the top." She leaned on the counter watching me struggle to reach the top. Today was not a good day to be short for one thing in my life. I was still reaching when a body pressed up against me, she was grabbing some of the snacks with ease. I turned around seeing her already looking down at me. Her leg was pressing at my front, not a good time to be horny Xaela. It felt like ages we were standing there looking at each other.

"If you want them, you're gonna have to reach." I saw the playfulness in her eyes. I jumped to try to grab the bags of snacks dangling from her long arms, I think it's safe to say I need another strategy.

"Imani, give me those snacks right now or else." I sternly stated with crossed arms.

"Your mom voice is hot but it's not helping your case, keep talking like that. I might keep these forever."

I rolled my eyes, "Keep them, you'll just have a nagging toddler." I strutted out the kitchenette. Imani came with a smile plastered on her face, she gave Vea the graham crackers with a box juice. Imani bent down whispering something in Vea's ear.

Vea pointed to my favorite snack in her hand. The purple Takis. Those two are really conspiring against me, Imani walked over with three Takis in her hand.

I should've left that damn monkey at home.

" A little birdie told me these are your favorite."

"Nope." I said popping the p.

She opened one of the snacks, rubbing the dust all over her fingers in the process. I seasoning is the best part, it's making start to salivate, she crunched on a couple more before the bag was done. I wanna cry.

"Sure you don't want to?"

I decided to keep up my tough act, "Nope."

Imani brought her free hand up to my face and cradled it, good thing Vea was in front too focused on watching Peppa pig with her headphones on. She took her other thumb which was filled with seasoning up to my lips. She swiped her thumb from top to my bottom lip slightly pulling it down. I licked her thumb slowly while keeping eye contact, her eyes looked amused. Her pupils slowly started to dilate.

She hummed while licking her other fingers except her thumb, I wish she would lick me . Slowly she inched her thumb into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it, getting off all the good tasting seasoning. She took it out my mouth looking at me like she was ready to devour me. I would allow her, if she wants too.

"Good girl." she whispered

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