Chapter 19- What a dinner

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I nudged Imani's side, "You know, I should probably report you since you always follow me to the bathroom." I slightly smiled at her seeing a small grin appear on her face.

"Ha ha, you think you're so funny Miss Cohen but wait until I fire you." She got up and briskly walked out of the bathroom. It is n.

I ran behind her giggling like a child, she glanced back at me then started to speed up, she was turning corners in this house like it was nothing. I followed her into a dimly lit hall, it was a dead end. I saw a shadow lurking, shit that's creepy as fuck.

I held my breath and began to run away, feeling something yank on my braids pulling me back, the figure covering my mouth with their hand. I closed my eyes and waited for what was to come next.

"You were supposed to be catching me." The figure whispered in my ear, their breath tickling my ear everytime they said a word, Imani. Sneaky Bastard. I could barely make out her face, I licked her hand, thinking she would take her hand off my mouth.

"You like licking stuff I see,I can put it to the test. Since you're so eager to use it." She started kissing down my neck, sucking occasionally. She took her hand off my mouth, her hand roamed my body stopping at my breast. She squeezed them roughly, I let out a soft whimper.

I needed her so badly and she knew. She gripped the edge of my long dress pulling it up, her nail dragging against my skin. She reached my waist gripping it viciously, slowly sliding her fingers on the rim of my panties, she moved her hand between my legs.

"I can feel the heat from here Miss Cohen, if I touch you will you be wet?"  She dragged her teeth along the vein in my neck. Vampire much? I sucked in my bottom lip, wiping all the lip gloss from my plump lips.

"Answer me or I will bite this vein, maybe hard enough to draw some blood." She bit my vein hard and pulled back to see my reaction. A tear ran down my face slowly, I looked anywhere but her face, she didn't need to know I was enjoying this a little too much.

"Too bad your teeth aren't sharp enough." This time I turned to meet her eyes, I was hoping to see her at least upset instead she was smirking. She pulled something out of her pocket, it was a pocket knife, this bitch had a whole pocket knife. It was a pitch black spear point pocket knife.

"Would you rather this instead, Miss Cohen?" I nodded my head no, she pressed the knife against my throat dragging it around my veins and pulses with a sadistic smile fixed on her face, if she pressed a tiny bit harder, I would bleed.

I heard a faint calling in the background that I presumed to be her mom, she watched me with an apologetic look, I kinda felt relieved. If it was any longer she might've torn this dress off me and I would've gladly let her.

"This is not over Miss Cohen." She flipped the pocket knife back into her pocket and walked off, I was left there trying to get myself in an appropriate manner. When I walked into the living room where I left Vea and Mrs Parker playing, they were gone, probably at the table. I walked into the dining room, the aroma of food smacking me in the face. Four sets of eyes landed on me, I noticed one pair that didn't sit with me too well. Mila.

I took a seat between Imani and Nevea, I finally tore my eyes from that wretched bitch to the food. There was grilled salmon, sauteed veggies, garlic roasted potatoes and finally some white rice. This looked amazing but the only problem is that Vea didn't like any of this stuff, she only likes potatoes when it fries, veggies not so much unless it's incorporated with something, rice just wasn't her favorite and I have never tested her with eating fish.

She always gags at the smell of it, I mean I only like three types of fish so I couldn't blame her.

I started to panic. What was she going to eat? Imani must've sensed my panic because she picked up my hand under the table. I saw Imani's mom walking in the dining room with another plate, hopeful anything vea would eat.

"Xaela, I figured Vea wouldn't like much of this stuff so I made her a special side of meatballs and pesto spaghetti, I hope you don't mind the meatballs were homemade from last night's dinner." She looked nervous saying the last part.

"No it's okay, it's great actually, Thank you so much for going out of your way to feed her." I smiled at the older woman, she gave me back a motherly smile.

Vea sat there confused but continued to eat her food, little did she know she was eating healthy which she absolutely hated. At least when she knows about it. The conversation was light, a couple of jokes here and there.

When I just started to feel comfortable, Mila ruined it, "So Xeala, where do you work?" She knew I worked for Imani but was trying so hard to get a rise out of me. Too bad it wasn't going to work. I'm keeping my cool, I hope.

"I work for your sister as her assistant hence the reason I am in England, and my name Xaela not Xeala." I politely yelled at her, but she didn't back down.

"If you're here on a business trip why do you have a child accompanying you?" I wanted to wipe that evil smile from her face.

"Your sister was actually the one who gave me no choice but to bring my daughter. Since you have so many questions about my field of work, where do you work?"

I sipped on my wine that was given to me, I needed it more than anything right now. The bitter taste eloped my taste buds, I almost moaned at the taste, it was aged from a while I can tell.

Her sister continued to talk about being a photographer, I would have cared less yet I pretended to be intruded, dinner was long done and we were just chatting. Vea was getting sleepy, so sleepy until she walked out her chair and sat on Imani's lap to go sleep on her.

She still had on her dress, to which I was proud of her for however little beads of sweat were gathering on her forehead as she slept. I whispered to Imani that she needed to be changed into her lighter clothes, and she nodded, grabbing Vea's bag to go change.

I was surprised, apparently everybody else at the table was too.

"She treats her like her own daughter huh?" Her dad asked, putting his arm around his wife.

I chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah, they've really formed a bond so much Vea prefers her over me most of the time."

"Sorry Xaela I didn't mean it to be rude or anything, it's just that she's never really liked kids or anybody actually." He started strongly.

I mumbled a quiet 'oh'. I can testify on behalf of her not liking anybody as I was in the position once but with Vea their relationship was just natural.

"Daddy you're right, I want to know what she did to make Imani act like that." That stupid smug smile appeared on Mila's face.

"Mila, can you stop being discourteous to our guest, it's not how we raised you." Her mother sternly scolded making her daughter shrink in her seat. I inwardly chuckled.

I heard an actual chuckle coming from behind me, Imani was back and Vea was changed and still asleep.

That just riled Mila up more, " Anyways my new boyfriend should be here any minute."

Everybody went dead silent, the only sound of Vea's light snoring was to be heard.

"You're what?!" Her dad whispered and yelled at his youngest daughter. I mean she wanted attention so badly, it backfired. That's funny.

"You are not bringing no foreign boy into our home." He glared at his daughter with a look that could kill.

The doorbell to the front door rang, "Too late Martin."

Mr Parker huffed, I felt bad for him. It would be rude to send her boyfriend home now. MIla came back in the room with a muscular boy holding her waist, he was a basic blond frat boy. It looked like his name was Chad or Luke. He was looking at me with a mischievous smile on his face. Being the only black woman in the room was really catching his attention huh. He introduced himself, no shocker his name was Lucas.

He was giving me an uneasy feeling.

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