Chapter 29-The call

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Two months later..

Imani 's POV

I rubbed my face, sighing, "Tracey, come please!" I shouted for my new assistant, I technically had to fire Xaela and was doing good on my own for a couple of weeks before the work started piling up. There was no way I could do all of it without an assistant, Tracey came into the room with her head hung low.

"Miss Parker, you called me?" She shifted around on her feet, I grew irritated.

"Stop moving." I said in a low voice, she froze up immediately widening her eyes making them seem like they were about to bulge out her head. I rolled my eyes at her, everyone these days seemed to anger me except that special five year old. I looked at the clock on my wall seeing it was 3:14, fuck I was going to be late for pickup.

"Tracey clear my schedule, push everything until tomorrow." She nodded her head, still frozen in place. I took a deep breath in before I fired her from just standing there and breathing my air. I signaled my hand for her to get out while I packed my bag, I felt a presence still lingering.

"You have three seconds to leave." By the time I got to the number two in my head she was gone. I ran my hands through my hair standing in the lobby waiting for them to bring my car around.

I stopped tapping my foot impatiently when I saw the black Audi drive to the front. I made my way over to it, throwing my bag in the passenger seat, speeding off to Vea's school.

When I got there, hard rain was falling. The drops made loud thumps on the windshield, I looked around the car for my umbrella, only finding Vea's small pink princess one. I grabbed it running through the rain, and I jogged to Vea's classroom soaking wet.

I knocked on her classroom door, within a few seconds the door handle rattled opening revealing Mrs Teale, she looked over at me with red tinted cheeks.

"G-Good Afternoon M-miss Parker, you look really nice today." I looked into her eyes wondering why she was complimenting me, the blank expression not faltering as she looked into my eyes like she was caught in a deep trance.

"I'm here to pick up my daughter not have a staring contest." Her cheeks went a rosy pink before she called out for my princess, I smiled when I heard her little feet padding on the ground. She looked up at me smiling without her one front tooth, a couple of days ago I had to pull it out.

It was traumatic.

She was crying because she thought it was gonna hurt when I pulled it and I was on the verge of crying, I was scared I was hurting her.

I lifted her in my arms, noticing soon after she didn't have on any shoes or socks, "Princess, where are your shoes and socks? She looked down at her feet then giggled. I tickled her stomach.

"Whereeee areeee your shoes my pretty princess." I continued tickling her until she told me in her bag. I bid my goodbye with her teacher who was standing there watching our interaction in awe.

When I got to the front of the school it was still pouring, I made Vea put on her shoes so we could run. She held her umbrella in one hand over her head and the other was clasped onto mine. I held her tight before yelling.

We both got into the car out of breath, I looked through the rear view mirror watching Vea kick off her shoes once again.

"Mama, what we eat later?" She was always hungry when she came home from school, I didn't blame her, "Hm, we can go out to eat? How does that sound princess?" She sat in her car seat thinking for little, it was adorable how she tapped her head while thinking.

"Only if I can dress up." I chuckled, knowing she would say that. I said yes to the request then drove home. We walked in the lobby on the way up to the penthouse, and the receptionist called me over.

"Miss Parker, you have visitors upstairs." My eyebrows furrowed, I wasn't expecting anyone, and it wasn't many people who had permission to be let up there unless. She could be up there right now. No, the hospital would've called first.

I sulked up until the elevator door opened, Vea ran up to my dad giving him a bear hug. I smiled, what a surprise. My dad and Vea went skipping to the living for I don't know what. I've never seen a grown ass man skip in my life, it was a sight to see, even my mom was laughing at the pair.

I looked back at my mom giving her a tight hug, "Mom." I breathed in her scent, "Imani, are you okay? We tried coming sooner but your dad's business got in the way."

"I'm okay mom." I mumbled into her neck.

"Imani Eden Parker, do not lie to me." I sighed at the use of my middle name, she only used it when she was deadly serious.

"Can we at least sit before I tell you the truth?" I looked at her with pleading eyes before nodding, I guided her to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of wine, I knew I was gonna need it.

I leaned on the counter, "I'm not okay, I don't know what to do with myself. I try to focus on work and Vea, along with my daily runs by the hospital. I got the best doctors for her, I'm doing everything I can yet it doesn't feel like I'm doing enough." Tears dropped in my eyes. It hurts so much.

"Mom, it's so ha-rd to see her, my heart feels so heavy. I-I love her so much mom." My voice broke with every word. I finally looked up at my mom, she was crying herself, I embraced her tightly.

"Baby, we got to hold on, your dad and I were gonna-." My mom's little speech was cut off by the ringing of a phone. I rushed to my bed after realizing it was my IPhone ringtone, my parents were weird oldies who used LG's. I pulled it out of my purse seeing 'Rosemary Hospital' was calling.

I immediately began panicking, "Goodnight, is this Miss Parker speaking?"

I nodded my head like an idiot before stumbling out, "Uh huh, yeah this is her, is everything okay?"

The doctor paused, my heart pounding in my chest. If she didn't say something soon, I might end up in that same hospital in a few.

"Yes Miss Parker, something has happened with Miss Cohen. You may want to come urgently." I looked around at my family who was all rigid, waiting for an answer.

"We need to go to the hospital." They all looked nervous but none of them moved, I rubbed my temples getting stressed out.

"We have to fucking go." I gritted through my teeth.


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