Chapter 31-Mean

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"As I wish?" I raised my head out of her neck, even in the semi-darkness I could see her smile.

"Don't make me regret what I said." Her fingers picked up pace, I felt guilt trickling its way to the front of my mind. I wanted to pleasure her.

A small gasp escaped my lips as she curled fingers, "Wait, can I touch you?" A look of surprise crossed her features, I mean I've done it before, maybe it was bad or I didn't please her enough or she faked it-

"Please do." She whispered in the darkness, the things I want to do to her. What a dream to have Imani Parker under me moaning and shaking from my touch.

I would get to dominate her.

The mere thought had me throbbing, "Take off your clothes." She quickly obliged to my command, I sat at the edge of bed watching her peel away the thin layers off her body.

She came between my legs, spreading them in the process, her hands on either side of my body, trapping my arms behind back , "You enjoying the view, Miss Cohen?" Her lips brushed mine with every word, how was I supposed to take control of her?

I flipped so I was on top once again, "Yes, I'm enjoying my view." I kissed my way down her nipping at her flesh every chance I got. I scraped my teeth across her hard nipples, she sighed.

Her breathing became heavy, her hands rested on hips, slowly moving them so our cores rub together. My brain got fuzzy with pure bliss, I continued sucking on her nipples as our bodies grinded together. Feeling thought of wetness mixing made the experience so intoxicating.

"Mhm, right there." I sped up my pace hearing small whimpers here, I was extremely close, a phone dinged off from the night stand. I decided to ignore it.

Her phone went off for the third time, Imani moaning became louder as her body jerked as she was about to cum. Her phone vibrated from a series of texts, my hand went straight to her throat squeezing all the air out of her.

That just pushed her over the edge, "Fuck, oh god." Her moaning filled the room, my orgasm was ruined from hearing the messages. I kept my hand on her throat as she came down from her high, "Who the fuck is messaging you at five in the goddamn morning?"

She didn't answer, still recovering, I leaned over to her nightstand where I knew she held a variety of knives, I grabbed the sharpest one I felt.

I took my hand off her neck and replaced it with the knife, "Let's try this again, who is that, Miss Parker."

Her eyes finally opened, " What are you gonna do, slit my throat over a text?" I thought about it, do I really want to slit her throat over a text from some bitch named Tessa or Tracey.

"Yes, you have five seconds before you feel warm blood trickling down to your beautiful breasts." She kept quiet, seemingly testing me. I pressed the blade further into her throat, "Tick tock, bitch."

"She's my new P.A, now get the knife off of me." It's the assistants fucking the boss, I swear.

"What things is she personally assisting you with?"

"More like I'm assisting her." She mumbled to herself.

"The fuck." I got off the bed, flinging the knife after her.

"Ow, it cut me you crazy bitch."

"Tell testicles to assist you." I grabbed my robe from the bathroom, who the hell honestly texts their boss at five am.


Imani's heels clicked as we walked to the elevator, she said I'm coming into work with her to see who 'Tracey ' is if that's her real name. My crocs made an obnoxious sound as I walked beside her.

"Couldn't you have dressed a little more appropriately?" I looked up at her to see she was already looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry, is my outfit not good enough to impress your assistant." I sarcastically said, she sighed. Ah, the sound of stress.

"Xaela, you know I don't care about that. It's just that this is my job."

"Isn't this Parker's Law Firm, as in your so I don't get why you're so pressed." I crossed my arms waiting for this stupid elevator to reach 18th floor.

Imani's hand roughly grabbed my jaw, slamming my back and head into the wall, "Little girl I have heard enough of your whining and foolish comments." I attempted to stick out my tongue at her, I probably looked like a puffer fish out of water.

Her facial expression went from stern to disgusted, "Behave or you won't like it when we get home." She let out my jaw and strutted out of the elevator, I liked her better when she was under me this morning. I fixed my hoodie after her.

Wow, I didn't realize how much I missed this office. Imani sat in her chair starting her work immediately. I sat on the couch not seeming to get comfortable, "Imaniiiiiiii, I'm uncomfortable sitting here."

"Then sit on the floor." She replied emotionally.

"Can I sit on you?" I pouted hoping to get on her soft side, It was a far stretch seeing she was upset with me.




I made my way over to her seat, forcing myself onto her lap. I wrapped my arms around her neck leaning on them, she sighed, "You're a determined girl." She gave in, cradling me in her arms as I straddled her.

She buried her head in my neck, "I'm still annoyed with you."

"I love you too." I leaned back to boop her nose.

"Get off." I smiled at her, there was a knock at the door before it opened. I turned around her lap seeing a basic blond girl, she took that anime titties thing to another level.

"Goodmorning Miss Parker and um lady on her lap."

"Good Morning to you Miss failed plastic barbie doll." I leaned on her desk taking in everything about this girl, her boobs looked like they were about to choke her from how high they were.

Imani came to the side of me whispering in my ear, "Stop making that face." Her nails dug into the skin of my thigh.

"Not my fault she built like a minion."


This chapter is basically a filler chapter or the calm before the storm.

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