Chapter 13-Shitty days

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TW: rape

"Hey baby, Eli is gonna watch you for a couple of hours while daddy and I go out." My mom said crouching down to meet my face. I blushed at the thought of Eli watching me. I've had a major crush on him over the past couple of months.  I nodded at my mom pushing her out the door, I just want more time to spend with Eli.

He has always said I was a beautiful girl, and he would play with dolls with me. Sometimes he would play the dad doll and I can play the mommy doll, and we make them kiss sometimes. Eli said that kissing is a sign of love. Just how my mommy and daddy kiss me on cheek or forehead. But Eli said I can always get lip kisses from him to show how special I am to him. I heard the front door close signaling that my parents have left and just be and my prince charming. I went looking for Eli, I knew he was around here somewhere. I grew tired looking for him and retreated to my bedroom.

I heard grunting coming from my room on the other side. ELI. I pushed open my door to see Eli on my bed with something sticking out from him.

"What's that Eli?" I pointed to a long skinny thing coming from his body.

"It's called a penis, pretty girl. Wanna touch it?" he motioned his hand for me to come over. I was curious as to why I didn't have a 'penis'. I walked over to his side seeing him stroke it. That's weird.

"Why don't I have a penis Eli?" I questioned him.

"Because you're a girl, you have a vagina. I can show you it if you want?"

"Okay." I chirped, I wanted him to tell me more about my weird body part. I knew I had a heart, brain and lungs like everybody but I didn't know I had something different to boys.

"Okay you gotta take off your clothes." I did as he told, but I felt weird like I wasn't supposed to be doing this but he my friend he wouldn't hurt me. He always said he would protect me from the bad people in the world. He told me to go face down on my bed which was also weird because then how would I see my vagina. He tied something around my hands and legs. OH, I know this! Eli always did this to me saying that it is a game and would release when I'm a good girl again. But this time I didn't do anything bad.

"This might hurt but I see you have a crush on me so you need to be a good girl and take it okay? This is what crushes do." he whispered.

I lit up because he liked me too. I turned my head, "Eli, isn't it weird because you're big and I'm small?"

"Nope, I've had  a crush on you for two years. And now I'm going to do what crushes do." he smiled at me but it wasn't nice, it was a bad one.

"What do crushes d-" I got cut off by a painful sting between my legs. I screamed telling him to stop, he just shoved my head in the pillows. He kept moving in and out from me and it hurt so bad. His grunts started to get louder. I was still screaming while kicking my legs. He soon got off of me with a loud grunt. I felt dirty, really dirty.

"If you tell your parents about this, I'll kill them. You'll always be mine." he said out of breath.

'End of nightmare'

I woke up to somebody shaking me , tears shot down my face. I never had a nightmare about that night in months. It's slowly breaking me, I've  tried my absolute hardest to shove it deep where nobody will ever see, not even me. I even convinced myself I've healed but you can't heal from a bleeding cut. Imani looked at me with worry in her eyes, I knew I would have to explain this. This isn't normal, I'm not normal.

"Hey come here." she quietly said, opening her arms welcoming me into them. I crawled into her, I breathed in natural scent. It was a comforting homey smell. I wanted to stay here forever.

"When you're ready to talk about it, I'm all ears." she whispered, rubbing my back softly. I cried in her arms for hours until I passed out.


I woke up before her, I felt like shit. That was the best way I could describe my feelings,body and mind. I was overcome by these new emotions erupting about Imani. It was the lava to all my feelings, spreading slowly and anything that got in it's way would be burned.

I've been so blinded by my new friendship or feelings, I didn't even stop to think about him. Maybe it's a good thing or maybe it's what sent me in this war blinded. I would normally sit at home to overthink about where he could be or what his next move is.

"Hey, your coffee is done." a tired velvety voice came from behind me, pouring herself a cup of coffee, she across the island from me with a questioning look on her face.

I gasped, clutching my chest, " Imani, you have to stop doing that to me." I am done with people just scaring me so easily. She took a sip of her coffee. It was steaming, she was too focused on my face to take notice, I know it's evil not to tell her but revenge is sweet.

When it finally scorched her tongue, "OW, FUCK!" I bursted out laughing, it was a blissful moment to genuinely laugh.

"No cursing Miss Parker." I reprimanded her. Her head shot in my direction, " You knew it was gonna burn me and knew I wasn't focusing."

" I mean anybody would've known it was hot." I smartly stated. She got up walking towards me, I started walking backwards, my behind hitting the sink.

"I should punish you for doing that Miss Cohen, you do work for me after all." I took a deep shaky breath. The one time I couldn't make up some smart remark.

"Cat got your tongue?" she whispered in my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off her body, her body rubbing against mine. It was killing me.

She backed away from me walking towards her bedroom.I walked in her direction after regaining my composure, I barged in her room and began shouting at her, " What the fuck was that Imani?!"

She turned around and I saw she was on the phone, "No Mrs Suco, yes I can fly out tomorrow." I watched Imani confused, she mouthed that she'll explain. She got off the phone and sighed.

"Flying wh-"

"England, yes for a client. A good friend of my mom's and yes you are coming, you have no choice."

"I have a daughter to take care of Imani, I just can't up and fucking leave her." I was now irritated with her. Cause who is she to be taking me away from my daughter for how long.

"Vea is coming too. I am not leaving you guys here with that psycho alone."

"So what are you now, hm let me guess, my bodyguard? I didn't need protection from anybody then and don't think you're gonna start now."

She ran her hands through her hair, " No Xae, I don't. But I am protecting you."

I could see she was getting frustrated with me but I kept pushing it.

" I don't need to protect Imani and certainly not from you." I started walking out of her room. As my back turned, I was slammed against the wall. I whimpered from the pain shooting through my back.

"Xaela I am not fucking playing with you. You and Nevea will be coming with me to England else you're fired! Do you understand!" she shouted in my face.

I nodded. I felt smaller than her. as much as I didn't like it, she was still my boss.

"I don't take nodding as agreement." She sternly stated.

"Yes Miss Parker." I said quietly. I was pissed under this surface of me submitting to her wishes. I moved out from her hold to get my stuff. I couldn't stand being here anymore, I might kill her.

"I'll text you the details Miss Cohen." she said cold heartedly.

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