Cleaning of the Tree

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Eldan was unsure of what side to take, he heard and understood both sides, but he decided to take the side of the mysterious Etterla. He saw the mess created at the tree. He saw Etterla cleaning, while he couldn't see her face through the cloak he began to help her scrub. He didn't know if others would see it as weak for helping the mysterious tree dweller, or if he would have a target on his head but all in all, he wanted to keep where he lived clean.

He didn't know if he should speak to her, she had an aura he couldn't understand. He didn't know what she could possibly do, she had more ranks than anyone he had ever known, and her ability to hatch eggs was amazing. Her personal self was mysterious and that scared him, scared him enough to think about self preservation over revolution. He didn't know if she was good or bad, but if she was evil he would at least have some sort of place in her eyes above those who were creating havoc within the place he called home. He continued to glance towards Etterla wondering what he could say to her, but every time he opened his mouth nothing came out. He continued to keep his eyes on the graffiti as he cleaned.

He didn't know what cleaning the tree with her would do to him, but at the moment all he cared about was helping keep his home clean, keep the town and world he called home less messy. The more destruction the less happy he felt, he had known what it was like to be seen as different or mysterious. He didn't know much about himself, and many like himself knew very little about their ruler Etterla. He continued to clean until the graffiti was no longer visible. He smiled to the women despite the clear fear that was festering within him.

At least she would know he tried to help regardless of the outcome, even if she turned out to be what people called her, for now he would just try and stay on her good side until her true colors showed. She was a mystery to himself and the others, and he understood the fear, he understood why everyone was so nervous. 


For a closed species event 

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