RPG group writing / Art Jam entry

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wordcount 500
rpg - on deviantart -- https://www.deviantart.com/serengetikingdom
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Calix let out a soft sigh as he padded to his spot in the cave, he stretched, and yawned. He watched the stars before him as he swiftly allowed sleep to take him over. As he closed his eyes his world exploded with color. He watched as the grasslands were even more vibrant then usual. Animals were abundant in all kinds, and between two large and sturdy trees sat a lioness that seemed to have a glow about her.

Calix instantly recognized her, it was his late mother. He bounded through the grass, dirt kicking up behind him as he barreled towards the apparition of his mother. Shani smiled as she saw her child. "Calix," her sweet voice said as Calix came to his mother. In reality Calix and his mother had been alive together only for mere hours, his recollection of her was practically blind. He however remembered the feeling of safety she provided him for those short hours he longed to retrieve. She had been alive only long enough to beg the scout for the Pridelands to take in her small and helpless cub. Her last breaths were spent soothing the small male, she was able to explain what had happened to her, and her lost litter, as well as Calix's dead at birth siblings. He was lucky to survive, and he spent every moment dreaming of returning the favor the pride did for him, and his later mother.

As Shani licked her cubs fur Calix realized it was all a dream, but if this was the only way to see his mother, he would take it in a heartbeat every night. Calix had just recently turned a year, and he wanted his mother to know everything about his adventures. The shining lioness chuckled at each story, she was patient as she led him towards the shimmering waterhole. "Calix my love, look into the water, what do you see?"

Calix followed his mothers instructions, he peered into the reflective water. Starring back at him was his reflection, the stars sparkled around him, the sky above had suddenly become night. He looked to his mother, who smiled back, despite the fact she too was looking in the water Calix could not see her. "Mother..why..why can I not see you, are you leaving me again."

"Oh but my dear, I am there with you. I am in the stars watching you as you grow up, strong and proud. I am in the grass that carries you, I am in the wind that whispers to you, and I am in the water that peers back at you. We are one."

Calix felt calm once again, and as he felt another brush of his fur his mother was now gone.

Calix woke quickly, tears fell from his eyes. His mother was all around him, that was all he had to remember. He just had to remember she was there for him. He laid his head back down, falling back to sleep again.

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