Winter in Lapsley

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Winter Wonderland-- Winter in Lapsley
For an activity on DA

"Come on get up get up!" Blair shouted with a giggle as she jumped on her older cousin Pip. "Come one get up." She laid on top of him. Pip giggled and rolled over, Blair was about five and he was nine. She grabbed his hand. "Come on come on!"

"Blair, slow down silly. Where are we going?" He asked as he followed her, her brown hair bounced as she jumped as she walked.

"It's snowing its snow." She giggled as she pulled him along. "Avdima already got us warm coats, and shoes by the door so we can go outside." She giggled and pulled him farther along. "Snow Pip snow. All the flowers are dying, which is sad, but that means the animals are changing colors, and the river is frozen over and and..."

"Okay Blair slow down." Pip said giggling as she was dragging him towards the door. "Winter won't leave little tulip."

Soul stopped them. "Where do you think you two are going, this early in the day?" He asked, he looked the two over, his dark hair fluffy, but covered in slight snow tufts. His nose was red, it was clear he had been outside not long before he had stopped them.

"Snow Soul Snow." Blair replied pushing past him. Soul stumbled back, Pip gave him a smirked snarl. The two didn't always get along, she giggled and put on her boots and a warmer coat. Pip smirked and followed her, he put on warmer attire. Avdima had already made a path to a place that was warmer, she smiled as the two younger kids made their way towards her. She handed them each a cup of hot chocolate.

"I hope you enjoy it, I cleaned off the seats." She was slightly cold, her hands frozen. "I also made sandwiches."

"Thank you Avi." Pip said with a smile. She smiled and curtsied and hurried off. She ran into Soul, he grabbed her shoulder.

"Blair?" He asked, he seemed wild, even young he was obsessed with her. He looked her over, as if she was a demon going to snatch Blair from him.

"She is fine and with Pip", she said with a frown. "Just fine." Avdima spoke like she was much older then she was. "You know Pip will protect her." He frowned and ran off to find lord Roman, he would make her come inside, keep her from freezing. He made his way into his study.

"Sir, will you help me bring Blair inside. She may freeze." Roman stood, got a coat on and his boots, and pulled Soul outside after making sure the boy was warm. The two made their way to Pip and Blair, the two children were giggling and covering each other in snow. Roman had a wide smile on his face, he pushed Soul slightly and the child fell into the snow. Soul smirked seeing Roman take Pip and Blair into his arms as the snow fell upon them. Suddenly a snow ball hit his face, Avdima giggled from behind a tree. He began to chase her around with a laugh the two throwing snow at one another. Blairs mother smiled coming out and watching. Blair and Pip joined in on the snow fight, while Roman laughed.

Pip Belongs to Ramenkittenoodles on DA
Blairs Father (Lord Roman) belongs to derpygirl on DA
Blair, Avdima, and Soul are mine
Character count: Five (three mine) (two others)  

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