Toll of the Bell

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The ringing in my ears fueled each step, and each step sent shockwaves through my body. My breathing was ragged as the darkness followed behind me, my life was a sin here.

My ability to breath made me worth something to them, but I was still a sin.

The sound of shouting was heard as monsters and creatures followed behind me. Their hissing and scraping sent shivers down my back as I continued to run forward towards the gates that separated their world to mine.

I was stupid to want to come here, I thought it was a legend. On the mortal side of the gate you can see nothing but buildings and the large dark bell in the middle of the town that seemed to mysteriously go off at midnight each night by chance. However upon entering within the town the dead roamed the earth.

It was the City if Death, and still lived.

I jumped over bones, through puddles of blood and passed creatures with their skin rotting and putrid. Many creatures attempted to grab me, others cutting me with their claws leaving large gashes in my skin.

I ran pass the bell, the large ominous bell and I nearly knocked over the large skeletal figure of the bell ringer as I did so. His bones rattled as he fell backward over a lifeless corpse rotting in the middle of the town.

I kept pushing, my muscles burning and my body aching as I grew closer to the gate. They could not leave could not touch the gate but I, a living breathing mortal could. All I had to do was get close enough to open it.

As I continued two alley ways came into my view. I let out a deep breath and sprinted by them, as I did a large creature of darkness exploded out of the left one.

I let out a scream as it's shining teeth attempted to bite into my shoulder. It's saliva gleaming as it's teeth grazed my back, I arched in pain as I nearly fell to the ground. I pressed on however seeing how close the gate was as the creature of darkness continued its chase.

I felt blood trickle down my back as I ran, I bit my lip in terror. Blood, the scent of it would call more darkness to me.

The gate was closer now, I could see it's shining silver latch, the beautiful rose detailing along the sides in bronze.

I continued to run, and as I reached the gate dead turned to relief. I threw it open as soon as the creature reached for my ankle, I screamed falling forward. I pulled myself through the gate and the creature cried in pain, its hands burning as it crossed the threshold. I jumped to my feet adrenaline pulling through me. I cried in relief as I slammed it closed again, slotted glowing eyes watched me in anger as the bell began to ring.




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