Camp NANOWRIMO day two writing prompt :: Head on Situation

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Heavily inspired by the song above

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Heavily inspired by the song above

Heavily inspired by the song above

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Everything around him was crumbling, his family, his friends, his grades. He was struggling with everything and none of them could help, or wanted to. It was enough for him to break down himself, but he was stronger then that. He was his own person. Art made him happy, that girl in class made him smile.

Head up, smile and get through it.

Be safe, that was one of the most important thing to him.

The talk in the kitchen was killing him with every word, the talk was barbaric and yet for them it was like it had been spoken by a child. The bible says.

One page in the bible isn't worth a life. He thought. Isn't worth the destruction of peoples happiness.

He stood up from the table, looking over each face of his family members, turned without being excused and walked towards his closet. He took every item that wasn't him and put them in bags. Dresses, skirts, frilly outfits. He was no longer a she, and it was time his family accepted it. He couldn't hide who he was any longer, they knew but were not accepting. He was going to do what he had always wanted to do. He hung his head over the sink and began to shave each section carefully, the buzz of the clippers calling his dad up the stairs.

The pounding on the door scared him at first, but he realized he could not, and would not . change who he was. He turned towards heh door after smiling up at himself, his true self, in the mirror and opened the door. His father stepped back before raising his hand to slap him. He stepped back and escaped. He was not going to apologize for himself.

He was who he was going to be, and that wold never change. 

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