Camp Nanowrimo writing prompts April 2019

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The alien and the pizza parlor.


Tapping his tentacles, Ribalars waited for the pizza. It felt like hours, his food wasn't that hard to make was it?

Eyeballs, fish eggs, fingers from the child of a human, blood sauce.

Why wasn't it done? Was there a reason? He finally walked up towards the counter, pounding his hoofed right hand, while his clawed left tapped on it. The white but blood covered counter made a loud pounded. The waitress popped her head up, her single blue eye raised. "What is it?"

"Why isn't my pizza done yet?"

"What was the name on the order?"

"Ribalars." He replied. "Why is it taking so long?" She riffled through the receipts, her bloodied fingers soaking the papers.

"Well it seems to me they had to venture out to earth to get some of those fingers you asked for, we like to have them as fresh as possible sir." She replied. "Is that an issue? Its almost all finished. We just need those fingers."

"Well how much longer will it be?" He asked.

"I am assuming a few more minutes, they have been gone since your order." She said. "Oh look ahead, there they are." Ribalars turned around and with wide eyes saw a few human children being carted in. "Perfect specimens aren't they?"

"Yes wonderful. They look delectable."

Random Conversation -- no plot advancement -- just talking
Characters used Jace and Anika from my book Cannibalistic::

"I love you Anika." Jace said as he pulled her into his lap.

" you too Jace." Anika said softly, he smiled and brushed her soft blonde hair from her face. "So do you have any questions for me?"

"Hmm?" He asked softly.

"I always ask you questions, about this place and your family. But what kind of questions do you have for me?"

"Well what kind of things did you enjoy doing, when you could do them, I know you couldn't do a lot as a child, but what kind of things?"

"I uhm.. I don't really know.. I liked to watch tv when I was able to, when I could manage it." She said. "I did have one toy," she began to giggle slightly. "It was this pink rabbit. His name was pinky. He was my only friend for a long long time. A long long time." She said softly. Slight tears began to fall from her eyes. He quickly and carefully helped her, wiping the tears away.

"Hey hey its okay, please don't worry its alright."

"Do not worry at all, I am here for you." He said softly. "I love you dear." She smiled a little and he held her close to him. "I am here for you, forever."  

Random Object placement:

"What the hell are we supposed to do with this?" Ryan asked lifting up a banana. "Like where is my gun?" He yelled as he tossed the fruit at Nick. Nick stepped back.

"Oh that is where i put my fruit, I thought they were all in the basket."

"Well you put my gun somewhere. Where in the world is my gun?"

"It..might be in the fish tank..."

"Wait.. you put my gun in the fish tank? What what why would you do that? My fish might die."

"Well I know that but..its all...not bad. At least we have fruit and everything."

Zoom in on the world --- 4/18/19


Future room for upcoming story :: Can you guess who the room belongs to?

Large four poster bed; the bed has white satin sheets, and dark purple wood. On this bed are five pillows, each designed with spirals that are white and purple. There is a headboard, but it is not large. A blanket sits folded at the end of the bed, this blanket is black, with frills at each corner. Beside the bed sits a bed side table, this table has a single book, opened and left upside down. A small candle sits in its candlestick.

A desk, on this desk made of oak wood there is; two organizers filled with quills, ink, wax, candles, candle wax pourers, a small knife and a wax seal stamper. Papers are strewn across the desk. The desk has a few small ink stains, hardly visible, but still there. The chair that belongs with the desk also has dark oak wood as its base, with a black velvet seat. Under the desk sits a small trash bin.

A window sits between the desk and the bed, this window is large, and opens onto a small patio. Upon stepping onto the patio there are delicate pink flowers and dark green vines that run up the wall, while two small chairs sit out with a light colored table.

A closet is directly across from the desk, it is filled with clothes of all types. Suits, casual, dress pants, shoes, swim wear, night clothes, anything anyone could dream of. The closet is large enough for five people to be in it at once. In the center is a changing cover, and a small platform for someone to stand and be fitted for clothing.

A chest, decorated in gold, silver, and emerald, sits at the edge of the bed, this chest is filled with swords and other weapons. Across from the bed, covering the far wall are book shelves, each filled to the brim with books, old and new. Each leather bound, and signed by the authors. A few sit sideways, and a few bobbles sit between and within the books and the cracks.

The most important object within the room is the box within the bottom drawer of the bed side table. Within the box made of simple wood was objects, that to anyone else would seem useless or unneeded, but to the box owner its filled with small items, and gifts given to them by the people. Something they must keep hidden.

Explore messily -- prompt for 4/23/19

Alys was amazed, this place was nothing like he had ever imagined. Being locked away in that tower for his upbringing made it so he couldn't leave. He was unable to understand what the outside world really was, what it could be. Rain, Erica, and Rowan slept while he explored. Cethin stayed vigilant watching the boy, knowing he needed to give him space.

Alys explored, for hours until the sun came up. Watching the trees, the leaves blowing in the wind, the grass under him was dew covered and cold under his touch. The sounds of night animals was soothing to him. All he needed to know was what was this place he called home.

All he wanted was to understand the world he lived in, the world he was unable to learn from.

What characters could these babs be from? Youll just have to find out one day


Win date: April 27 2019

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