🥓 🥪

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Bacon Sandwiches always reminded her of her father. The man had had one at least once a week since she was a toddler. A tear rolled down her cheek as she watched the bacon sizzle and crackle, the smell filled the house.

Just as it had when she was young.

She laughed a bit to herself, rubbing her arm under her eyes she regained composer. The toaster dinged, she sighed and turned. Carefully removing the hot slices of toast she placed them side by side on a white plate adorned with blue flowers.

Turning back towards the stove she finished the bacon, sliding the plate towards the stove she turned off the burner.

Twisting the mayo jar open she strained. "Oh come on."

Her voice cracked, and tears once again began to trail down her cheeks. The lid finally opened with a pop. She spread mayo on the toast, placed the bacon on top and finished the sandwich.

He never liked his vegetables. While the rest of the family sat around the dinner table with BLTs he would have a bacon sandwich.

She picked up the plate and walked towards her table. A vase of blue and white flowers sat in the center, a photo propped up against it.

She wrapped her fingers around the sandwich and brought it up to her mouth. "This one's for you dad." She whispered as she tipped the sandwich toward the photo of her and her father enjoying a morning on the porch together.

She smiled softly as she bit down, she let out a soft sigh of joy as she stared into the eyes of her father in the picture. His smile staring back at her.

She grinned, remembering why she liked BLTs a little bit better, but this was how dad liked it. So this was how she was going to eat it today, maybe next time she would add on the veggies but he would call her his little rabbit and make a funny face anytime she offered him her lettuce cause mom always put on too much.

She crunched down on the bacon with a smile. "I love you."

She didn't get a reply back, but she knew he loved her too as she tasted the hickory smoke and smelled the bacon in the air.

This was his favorite and it would be hers too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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