Game Over - Game on Rewrite

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Once again, for a schools contest, but I rewrote it and changed things up.
May become a novel one day?

The sun came up on the video game store early that morning, the air was crisp and the morning birds began to sing, waking those who sat in line waiting for the doors to open. The first fifty customers would be given a free copy of the newest RPG, Game Over. Kenin was the first in line, he had been waiting in the line for two days. He was determined to be the first to get the free copy, he had been following the game development for years.

The sound of the front door opening sent chills through Kenin, the store owner smiled seeing the familiar face. "Kenin, I have a special offer for you."

Kenin smiled wondering what he meant, the man brought him to the back room of the video game store, passed the free copies into the back office. "I want to let you play the game, we have the latest gaming technology here, and we want you, our best customer, to test it out."

Kenin's sapphire blue eyes grew wide in excitement, his skin covered in goosebumps. "Really sir, thank you!" Kenin watched as the store owner, Mr. Jenkins opened a door to a large silver pod. As Kenin stepped in the door closed behind him, he was nervous as he placed a large machine over his eyes, suddenly the world of Game Over appeared. He realized he had been transported to the game. He smiled as he looked around, suddenly before his eyes three items appeared above his head.

A sword, a ball of blue fire, and a book.

Kenin reached out towards the ball of fire, as he reached out a voice rang through his ears.

"Welcome hero, you have chosen flame."

The ball of fire began to oscillate before him, as it did so the fire jumped forward colliding with his chest, he stepped back in surprise, a sudden pain flared up within him. Looking down at his arms he found his veins were glowing blue. He dropped to his knees in pain as the fire engulfed him for a moment before it released him, his black hair now streaked in blue. His hands radiated with heat.

As he pulled himself off the ground and continued to walk forward, as he walked through the pixelated jungle he came to a river, he placed his hand in the water trying to cool himself off, as he stood up and looked around to explore the world more he heard a scream. Kenin raced towards the sound, standing before him bound in spiderwebs was a boy with cat-like ears and a tail. "Help me! You are the hero they speak of, the boy in blue!"

Kenin squinted, remembering the game was supposed to change depending on your choices, if he had chosen the sword he wondered what his hero name would be. He shook his head seeing that the boy was struggling to escape his sticky binds. With each shake the web sent vibrations upward towards the predator that waited to devour him. Kenin concentrated on the blue flame that had entered his body, and suddenly shooting out from his hands were two blue flames. He smiled in excitement as he felt the fire explode from within himself.

The flames connected with the spiderweb and it shattered into experience points, the boy smiled stepping forward. "Thank you hero, welcome to the Tangled Jungle, please be careful. The evil wizard resides within. He is terrorizing my people, many have been killed and others taken prisoner. Please, hero, save us."

"What is your name?"

"Almar," the boy replied, his green eyes filled with sadness. "Please hero save my people."

"I promise, take me to the wizard."

Almar looked terrified but nodded, he turned and walked towards a dark patch in the jungle, his orange and black tail swinging from side to side as he walked. Kenin took a deep breath and followed, his veins continued to glow blue, lighting up the darkness of the jungle. They arrived at a disheveled tower, the grey stone was crumbling, jade green vines wrapped around it in spirals. "He is within, be careful hero." Almar said, pointing forward up the steps of the dark broken tower.

Kenin stepped forward, and began to carefully walk up the stairs, each step became more dangerous the further he went, steps below him began to crumble, he fell forward catching himself on the last step. Breathing heavily he pulled himself upward, and he came face to face with the villain of the game.

Wizard Oblar. "Hero, I see you have come to destroy me." Oblar was tall, towering over Kenin. His eyes were black, skin a deep violet, his hair was a swirling black fire. "I hope you have prepared yourself for defeat."Kenin raised his hands ready for the first attack, skeletons began to rise from the cracked stone floor. He sidestepped in surprise as the undead slowly stumbled towards him, with a flick of his right hand flames collided with one, the bones shattered into experience points. "Level Up." Oblar sneered as the other skeleton clattered to the ground exploding. The two stood staring at one another, before Oblar could attack Kenin attempted to throw another ball of fire, Oblar waved his hand, a crimson shield appeared around the villain, his blue fire collided with the shield, it sizzled away in a lilac spark. Kenin cursed as he attempted to send another ball of fire towards the mage. Oblar smiled as he sent a ball of black fire towards Kenin, Kenin jumped and rolled out of the way just in time, he looked up with a glare in his eyes. Oblar smiled and let out a horrific laugh sending another ball of black flames, Kenin looked up in an attempt to deflect them, a searing pain rippled through him. "Game Over."As the goggles came off, Kenin looked down at his chest, his shirt burnt in the center. "Play again." Echoed in his head. 

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