camp nanowrimo day 1 prompt

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Camp NANOWRIMO day one writing prompt :: Characters Emotion

Character POV -- Orion  

Emotion: Embarrassment & Anxiety

All I could do was walk, my hood pulled up and my head hung low. The color of my fur had always bothered me, not because they were inherently female colors, I didn't care about that, what I cared about was that I was different; that I stood out. I kept walking, trying to ignore the peering eyes, the low whispers and the conversation of who knows what, but everything in my soul told me they were talking about me. The anxiety I was feeling was overwhelming, my face was growing hot as I kept walking.

Just keep walking, that was all I had to do. I needed to get home to the safety of my apartment with my girl, and the things I know.

I can feel the judgement, it was enough for me to begin to cry. I wiped the tears off my cheeks. It was taking me over, I slipped inside the nearest shop I could see and raced towards the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and I began to shake. The pain I had been put through because I was different. The jeering and the torment, it wasn't fare. I didn't ask to be like this, I didn't ask for anyone to hurt me. I finally began to calm down and I raced back towards home.

I had to just keep going, that was all I knew.

I loved my girl, I needed to get back home to her.




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