Iron Killer

12 0 0

The street lights illuminated my face as I ran, the sound of my feet hitting the pavement was nothing compared to the sound of the clicking and clanking of the metal man chasing me. The cogs swirling and the sound of steam stung my ears. I kept running despite the fear I felt, as I turned right I heard his loud footsteps come to a stop. I looked around and saw him, his metallic eyes scanning the area. I hid behind the garbage can, my breathing tense. I watched as he came slowly towards me, this creature made of tin. I slowly made my way under the large garbage can. He walked past me, I could see the footprints he made in the path.

He isn't really a he, an it; a creation.

My father always thought making me a robotic fiance would be a good idea and now it has backfired, gone horribly wrong. This robotic man was a stone cold killer literally.

I watched as it crushed my fathers heart with its now bloody metal hands. I bit my lip as it walked past me. I let out a sigh of relief until the garbage can was lifted above his head and thrown. I curled in a ball shaking.

I heard its robotic voice. "Why did you leave me? I love you." He said as he grabbed my with his strong iron grip. "I was made to have you, and I will have you."

He dragged me away. I was now his, and I was trapped.

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