Darling Dainty monthly writing promt

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I do not own any of the characters, and Dainty's are a closed species. This was a monthly writing prompt for the group. January belongs to - 
Kira belongs to - Saphh-h on deviantart
January belongs to - Jhielln
Akito and Blu belong to - scardrawsstuff on DA

January sat on the train happily as he sipped his hot chocolate. He was on his way to a wonderful vacation. He stretched and looked around the train to see a familiar face. Kira smiled waving to him, she had also noticed him. She sat up from her seat on the train and walked over to him, her peach hair bouncing as she did, she sat beside him and adjusted the blue strips. "How are you January?"

January smiled. "Perfect, and you? Where are you headed?"

"The Ski resort."

"Oh really me too." January's face lit up.

Kira laughed and the two of them shared a hot chocolate on the train ride. As they arrived to the resort, snow piled high on the hill they separated to get their rooms and do whatever they wanted. Kira had a gig singing, so it was half vacation half job. January just enjoyed the cold, he got his hotel room. A quaint little cabin, the interior was rustic. He smiled happily, as he went to take a small nap. Soon January was up again and off to check out more of the resort. There was snowboarding, skiing, tubing, and even hot springs. He took some supplies and went off to find the most entertaining of all the actives. He also knew there would be a campfire however very few people went to enjoy them. He however wanted to take advantage of the free fireside. He made his way up a hill, and set his sled down, his sled shaped and painted like a penguin. He pushed off and made his way down the long hill, others were also enjoying the slopes. One person was even dressed as a giraffe, he couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

Kira was off to find where she would be singing, she got everything set up and went to find her own hotel room. The interior was beautiful, she found the hot tub and took spent some time in there to relax. She smiled as she stretched and began to hum to herself going over the lines of the songs she had to sing later today. She soon made her way to a lobby filled with people, everyone seemed to be having a good time, talking to one another, eating or drinking. A few young children sat quietly coloring while they waited for their meals. Kira smiled as she took the stage, she did a few last minute tests making sure the mike was working and soon began to talk to the crowd. The people were very kind, giving her responses and smiles. Soon she began to sing, and the crowd grew silent, their many eyes trained on Kira as she gave them a show that they would never forget.

On the next tram together were Blu and Akito, Akito was happily eating some candy Blu supplied to her while Blu was braiding Akito's long pink hair. "Are you excited about our trip Blu?"

Blu looked up from braiding and nodded with a smile. "I get to spend time with you, so yes I am excited about our trip Akito." Blu said kissing her girlfriends cheek lovingly. Akito blushed as she kissed her cheek back. "Did you pack my dinosaur onesie?"

"Of course I did." Akito replied back. "You packed the candy, I pack the onesie."

Blue smirked and nodded as she finished braiding her hair placing her flowers back in. "I think I am all done. Now the tram seems to be stopping ready to find out hotel room?" Akito nodded and grabbed her suitcase, which was pink and had candy decals all over it, Blue grabbed her own suitcase, a dinosaur pattern covered the dark blue case. The two girls checked in and got their stuff to their room. "To the lobby for some food?"

Akito smirked and bit her lollipop quickly. "Do you ever stop having good ideas?" She asked with a laugh as they raced down towards the lobby where a familiar face was jamming out singing original and cover songs. Soon Akito and Blu had their meals, Blu with a medium rare steak and Akito with a milkshake and some other goodies. January was singing under his breath to the songs as he ate as well. His smile was wide as Kira danced across the stage, she was an honest popstar. Everyone was cheering and clapping for her as she came to an end.

By the end of Kira's set the four friends came together, they each congratulated Kira on her fantastic performance, Anikto and Blu hugged her tightly while January praised the use of the stage "Even the lighting was perfect." Akito said as she thought over the scene again. Kira couldn't help but hide her embarrassment.

Akito laughed as Blu held her hand tightly. "So shall we all go and attend the fireside? I heard no one else was going, we could eat some smores?"

Akito's head jerked up. "Is there chocolate?"

"What is a smore without chocolate?" January asked confused.

The girls laughed. "I suppose that is a good point."

January smirked as the girls followed him along towards the fires, the orange and yellow flames licking the open air. The four sat together, Blu and Akito sitting together, not necessarily confined but close together. January began to roast marshmallows as the stars twinkled above them.

"It is beautiful." Akita said, Kira nodded in agreement as she looked around the campsite. Kira began to hum a soft tune, the four of them joining in on the song as they began to learn the lyrics slowly. "Kira, how do you come up with such beautiful lyrics?"

Kira grinned. "Time and effort." Akito nodded as she snacked on some chocolate, January was busy making smores for everyone. Blu smiled and began to sway back and forth between Kira and Akito, she would happen to drop a kiss on Akito's cheek every once in a while. As they sang and laughed together they realized a vacation was much more fun when traveling with a group.

They sang and talked through the night, until they all became tired and headed off to their respective homes, for that night they had wished all their friends were there. 

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